Freelancer - General Discussion

Aha, thanks. Didn’t know that as I’ve never bothered to achieve SA in the Freelancer before!


Yeah, the highest rating you can get is Traceless ICA Assassin, which if you ask me is a better title for a highest possible rating than Silent Assassin. Silent, after all, doesn’t mean traceless, whereas, if you’re traceless, it doesn’t matter if you were silent or not.


Finally completed my first ever “perfect campaign” with every single objective throughout completed - usually I end up losing it to the janky “No Combat” or forgetting that “Perfect Shooter” is active and firing just one distraction shot somewhere during the campaign.


Does poisoning the food of a foodie Leader, or the drink of a dehydrated Leader, count toward the prestige objective of eliminating them during a tell?

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Yes. It most certainly does.


I miss the perfect run objective. I want MORE prestige objectives, not less!


Aside from throwing propane near smokers it’s pretty much the easiest way to achieve it.

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Excellent. Just what I need.

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It’d be cool if allergic targets died when knocked out in tall grass.

Or if nervous targets had heart attacks when flash-bombed.

Wishlist for the next patch!


Massive congrats!! :clap:t2: :grin:


DONE! Hardcore mode campaign completed, all challenges and suit reward obtained. What a frustrating week that was. And now, unless IO adds some other challenge or collectible to the mode that requires Hardcore mode to obtain, I will now turn Hardcore off, never to turn it on again. Fuck a bunch of that.


They really should give an incentive for playing hardcore, such as multiplying the payouts. This way you can buy more weapons and go through the prestige levels somewhat faster. Of course, it’s give and take. One failed campaign/mission and back to 0 :merces:. Or whatever nukes your money.


I’m fairly certain this crossed everyone’s mind at some moment, so.

How would you feel if instead of the whole campaign being failed, failing a showdown or alerted location would instead make you fail only the current syndicate? You would lose some part of your campaign progress and you would be forced to work your way up to the leader of the current syndicate, but you wouldn’t have to go again through all the previous syndicates that you’ve already beaten.

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This just makes more sense in the story perspective and would relieve some of the frustration especially on the later syndicates. However, I might be missing something and possibly such a thing would have been too small of a setback to have impact on players progress in most cases. What are your thoughts?


I think of it like a house of cards. You mess up an important mission the rest of it comes crashing. …Mmmaybe? :man_shrugging:

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Hardcore should give a better reward in merces, going after secundary objectives, couriers and safes is often too risky to lose everything over a few thousand :merces:


The one compromise solution would be to implement some sort of Death Defied mechanic whereby once and only once, in a normal campaign, can you be reset back to the beginning of the syndicate if you die, losing all inventory and 1/2 your money.

Make it an unlockable item like the Banana of Rebirth or the Resurrection Fish or something. It takes 5 inventory slots. It explodes in a poof of blue, green, and red dust upon 47’s death, and the guards exclaim, “must be somebody high on drugs!”


Not sure where to post this - someone made Whittleton in unreal engine.


I just want to take a second to say how much I love this game mode.

I play it most evenings, if only for an hour or two - and I’m hooked the entire time. The randomisation of targets is perfect for keeping things fresh - and there seems to be enough options that I rarely see repeated targets. That Target by the vault in New York: I’ve seen him once in the past month. And I can’t remember the last time I got the butler from Dartmoor as a target: it’s been many, many months.

Just a beautiful game mode. A wonderful way to keep this game replayable. I can see myself playing this for years to come… hopefully in that time I can become a better player, because I am admittedly not very good.

Thank you IO.


There is a topic for Hitman screenshots… Or What’s New might’ve worked also.


Came back to Freelancer, first time since february.
So to jump directly into the water : Prestige one.

I haven’t played Freelancer, or even Hitman outside of the ETs, for six months.

I had stopped playing for two reasons.
One, was if, and in case the mode was expanded on, I wanted to see where it was going. So that the grind challenges could be done with the appreciation of the potential expanded/improved Freelancer. But I kinda forgo it now. I the looked longingly at the trophy placement, and at the scan in Miami. Oh well…
Two was because I was at a good standing in the mode : full wall, millions, all tools. It was proper, stable. And I was unwilling to break it.

I still have the level knowledge, and most habits are coming back. But I basically did the mastery 100 in a month back then, and most of it was “in the zone”. So now, it’s more consciously. Certainly will be slower, 3-5 hours per campaigns.

Because the prestige means that I can redo what was in hindsight my favourite gameplay loop : doing objectives for the merces, for the weapon wall.
It’s purposeful, and it makes me actually go for the safes, the couriers, and go out of the way to optimize the objectives. While still allowing to say a flexible “sod that noise” if needed.

It’s fun. :slight_smile: