February Roadmap - Initiation Protocol (2021)

Considering we are getting the Rave On suit in this month’s roadmap (I hope), would it be too far-fetched to say we could eventually get the skydiving suit?

All levels in the game have a story starting location and a replay starting location. Also every level except Romania and Dubai give you the default forced suit of the story starting location with gloves (well maybe not Chongqing), but Dubai gives you the optional default suit w gloves of the replay starting location (atrium).

In Berlin we’re getting the suit from the replay starting location with the leaked escalation, maybe we’ll get the skydiving suit from the story starting location somehow in Dubai eventually.


Maybe I’m alone on this but I found these sponsored contracts much more enjoyable than typical featured contracts, which tend to pile on silly restrictions and lean heavily on chaining coins and whatnot. These felt more like escalation levels, which I enjoyed.

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Whomever created the Proloff Parable murderball train should be hit repeatedly with a katana. It is NOT FUN.

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I thought Level 2 was the most fun I’d had with an Escalation in ages.



I have to agree. Level 2 was great! So many contracts that I’ve played seem to be riddled with restrictions that are seemingly only achievable by playing exclusively SA and SO it’s nice to see a contract/escalation that you have to play non-SA. I get that Silent Assassin is the way it’s supposed to be done, but it’s fun to play another way sometimes. And it was only one out the three levels too. Great time!


The theory of “hitting someone repeatedly with a katana” when he puts effort and time but doesn’t make a “fun” one (in your opinion) is legally and logically irresponsible and out of mind. Look what you’re saying.


Please don’t hit me with a katana. :frowning:
I’m glad most of you enjoy it, though. It wasn’t easy designing a new experience on a location this linear. :wink:


You guys did a great job on the escalation, no less.

And yes @MSMPlayz they do evidently.


Perhaps this will serve as a reminder why it’s not such a good idea to announce “whoever decided x thing I don’t like deserves y horrible thing…”


I absolutely love it. Each level feels like a different escalation, a really nice challenge, and the “The blade needs blood” hunt with the sound each time you kill, absolutely amazing. I hope there is more where this came from. :smiley:


I’m sure someone will find an SA exploit. After all keep in mind people found out muffins could make you fly.

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I saw that escalation leak. I also saw a different outfit a little more in line with a more nostalgic party that I hope will be the final escalation reward because it makes a much meatier prize. Also a reward for completing ETs or just importing from H2?

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The other outfit you’re talking about is almost definitely the deluxe escalation reward, I’ve seen it as well.

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Wait what the heck is this? Maybe I didn’t have my sound turned up high enough, or this went completely over my head! I don’t remember any special sound effects for the blade in Level 2… :open_mouth:

Would still like to unlock the rave on one, perhaps as a non-deluxe escalation reward.

Anyone know when the March road map drops? Will it be next week, after the ET ends now?


Likely within the next three days, most likely tomorrow or the day after.

And yes we’ll also be getting the Rave On suit as non-deluxe escalation reward.


March is gonna definitely be a Berlin focused content update.

Rave On Suit is gonna be apart of the Free Content that being the leaked escalation.

The Deluxe Escalation is gonna and this is what I personally think. It’s gonna be a Absolution themed escalation since it’s the only game in the series that hasn’t had a Deluxe Escalation themed after it.

I could be reading it incorrectly from the wording, but I don’t see the Rave On Suit being a deluxe reward.

Reasons Why.

  • Out of place with with rest of the Deluxe Rewards

  • Already in the game as a starting suit/location so it wouldn’t be exclusive

  • No additional rewards corresponding with the unlock suit unlock from the leak.

Reasons Why I Think It’s Absolution.

  • The Supernatural element of the level (Alien Easter Egg) would make a interesting and unique escalation. Tin Foil Hat Man disguise would be a natural unlock too and fit the Themed Category. For a weapon unlock we can have our first loud pistol that gets past frisk zones that being the Swiss Derringer.

  • Absolution has yet to be featured as a Deluxe Escalation compared to C47, SA, Contracts, BM. It would be natural for it to be acknowledged.

  • Berlin’s Atmosphere simply would be a appropriate place to have something Absolution themed in it. They can utilize the gas station area and populate it as well to make it work.


What is undoubtedly the next deluxe suit was revealed in the Full Mastery Unlocks thread, by the way. I like the idea of using the gas station.


Well that’s definitely a “I like to murder people” type of suit with its unlock, not disappointed.

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The level where you have to kill someone with the Katana every 15(?) seconds, every time you kill someone there is a “moaning” sound or something, something demonic. I also didnt realise it imediately and Im wearing headphones, might be hard to spot, but its there and its awesome.

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