February Roadmap - Initiation Protocol (2021)

I think maybe there will be still be unlocks for ET’s, but not suits. Maybe the locations-specific suits will be kept as ET rewards but things like the siggy with gloves won’t be, that doesn’t really make sense though considering what they’ve done with location suits being mastery level 20 rewards in the new maps.

I just want my siggy with gloves and suburban suit, don’t care how, personally I like the ET’s the way they are because it isn’t a problem for me, but I can very much see how it would be for others.

There’s absolutely no way they’re not going to release new ET’s on the new locations, they’re probably still working on them hence why we’re starting with The Decievers.

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tbh I expect the only reason we’re getting the Deceivers is because someone at IO thought “we’re giving them the Guru suit in February, so let’s give them the Guru ET too! It’s a theme!”.


This is the best philosophy on this we’ll see, well done sir! :sweat_smile:

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Lol I remember I failed the Deceivers suuuper fast when they first released. I somehow got caught, and in my stunned silence, I totally forgot to pause the game and restart the level before I got shot.

(Video: jeez, I usually “pulse” the Instinct a lot when in unfamiliar situations, but damn that’s just way too much)


So no permanent mission after playing it once

I do that :laughing: you can’t tell when you’re playing, but when you watch it back, it looks funny, there should be a recording mode where it doesn’t show instinct


I dont want to force anyone but could anyone confirm is this is a thing now? If thats what they meant with “We did a change to ET” then Im kind of dissapointed.

This message is the same since H2016. ET system has not changed.


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Still works. I restarted 4-5 times without any issues. Worked exactly like how it works in H2.
Disconnect, select Return To Menu, reconnect while you’re in the menu.


From memory, something changed around the time they started the H1 reactivations because it used to be if you got disconnected after completing an objective then you were considered to have failed the mission (this is the experience of the person from that reddit post at the time), where as now you can complete an objective and get disconnected and retry when you’ve connected again. H2 would display an error with something like “You may attempt the Elusive Target again when you reconnect”.

Anyway, despite H3 telling people that they cannot retry, they actually can. I loaded up an alternate account and killed the Guru and then disconnected and I could replay it. So the error message is just bugged.

Phew. Almost got scared there. I mean, I can run them with closed eyes like everyone else in here since we did them maybe four, five times by now, but still. You never know what might fuck up in one run!

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This is why they should be permanently put in the game


Does anyone know when we’ll most likely get the march roadmap

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It’s usually within the first week of the month. So I’d expect this Thursday (4th) or Friday (5th). But that’s just a best guess, IO makes sure they never get too predictable :wink:


I’m extremly curious. I unfortunately saw spoilers for final suit and items, but I am still curious about another content. Who will be next FC creator? My bet is on outsidebox

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My bet is on it coming back to community made contracts. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


I wouldn’t mind a mix of both. The Dubai ones had some creative themeing and briefings.

But I assume they’ll only go to community contracts after Berlin, Chongqing and Mendoza are done.


I liked the MinnMaxx contracts but the kinda funny ones seem really repetitive. Hope they get someone interesting to do the next ones.

I hope so, I have a couple of ideas for contracts to submit. That said, I do like the Sponsored Contracts, I feel it gives a good introduction to the contracts mode to the public without the stigma of “these contract are from the same people on the forum” that afflicted the tail end of the FCs in H2. As much as I want community contracts, I wouldn’t object to Sponsored Contracts on the other maps first.

Of course, I should stop going through the previous FC and start working and refining my ideas for submittal.