Huh, interesting. I’ll have to play that again and listen for it. Maybe I was too hyper-focused on mashing the attack button I missed it the first go-around.
The one that was leaked on another thread is from Contracts, not from Absolution. And would make a lot of sense (A LOT) as the Berlin DE.
Where the retro escalation target outfit themes came from:
Paris: Corky the Clown - Blood Money - A New Life
Hokkaido: Hope Goon - Absolution - Terminus
Dubai: Anthony Martinez - Blood Money - A Dance With the Devil
Dartmoor: Beldingford Manor Hunter - Contracts -
Beldingford Manor
Berlin: Patient - Contracts - Asylum Aftermath
Chonquing: Red Dragon Triad Member - Codename 47 - Lee Hong Assassination et al
Mendoza: Deewani Ji - H2 Silent Assassin - Terminal Hospitality
Carpathians: Hayamoto’s Ninja - H2 Silent Assassin - Hayamoto’s Assassination et al
This is in addition to the obvious 47 signature carryover suits that can be earned from:
Blood Money
Blood Money (Requiem)
Absolution (Terminus)
Absolution - Raven (Sort of based on the Hi Tech DLC suit)
(NB. If you include 47s suits and the GOTY (which are essentially deluxe escalations) Absolution and Blood Money are actually tied in each providing inspiration for 4 suits. Contracts and Silent Assassin both provide 2 and Codename 47/Sniper app provide the collective inspiration for 1.)
I am all for more of these sort of unlocks and would happily pay for another escalation pack with well crafted retro suits and weapons.
At that moment in time I had no prior knowledge of the leak.
This is all up to interpretation and is rather subjective. While I’m completely fine with the final DE being based off of Meat King my speculation was going off of pre existing things about the map such as the Alien Secret exit.
I personally think it would of been more interesting to build upon a pre existing asset and tie it in with something from a prior game. So excuse me when I say this, but Meat King just feels off mainly cause of the type of Night Club.
Meat King was as I perceive it a BDSM themed Night Club in a Meat Packing Factory when Hitman 3 it’s just repurposed nuclear power plant.
While I’m okay with the item unlocks it feels like a missed opportunity on the developers part. The Items unlocks would of been a good Halloween event reward is all I’m saying since to me that’s where it would feel more appropriate.
I’ll have to wait and see how the escalation is to properly assess it but right now while happy with the unlocks I’m disappointed in what the theme is for the deluxe Escalation
I’d really like it if they just made Skydiving, the Robes and such full on disguises instead of counting them as suits. I don’t like the fact they have different privileges from suits but are optional as contracts complications.
The Meat King’s party is one of my favourite levels,so getting a disguise from that level is such a nice surprise for me!
“That was a parallel universe.”
Are we getting the roadmap today
I think it’s probably roadmap day, they usually release it the 1st day we get content and it’s a Thursday so we’re 99% getting something new today. probably an hour or two from now
It would make sense if they did because last month we got an escalation on the 4th which was on a Thursday, like today
Yes, we are.
you did the train escalation? I liked it (but i’m a sucker for ninjas).
So, not the suit/weapons from Contracts that were leaked, but a different one. Suggests to me there will be more retro escalations beyond these initial six deluxe ones…
Not necessarily. IO makes plenty of stuff that never gets in our hands in the end. The Moreno Cartel Boss is one example that springs to mind, but I’m sure there are many others.
But if they would come out with a new batch of escalations with retro rewards and nods, I’ll gladly be paying for it. I’m a slut when it comes to nostalgia.
This is pretty general for game development overall, a lot of content that never makes into the games for various reasons. It’s always interesting to get an insight into cut content, even if it’s rare.
Theres still Hope lying within Bonus Missions, even though I’d take a Po everyday above him, so I’m unsure what Location could be used for one.
Do you have more info on this? I never heard about it and it sounds pretty interesting.
There are phone calls between Lucas Grey and Rico Delgado during the mission Three-Headed Serpent.
Lucas asked for services and in exchange, Lucas promised to Rico to weaken Moreno’s cartel, the Delgado’s rival.
Amidst the Hitman 2 leaks, there was a disguise of a Rival cartel (presumably Moreno). Probably, the developpers planned making an opportunity with a rival cartel. Here is the picture :
This was probably scrapped during Hitman 2 development.
This is true, and could be what happens with some of the messing around weapons in the files, but I think the butcher set is nicely self contained and retro in the same clean as the other sets, it just literally needs dropping in. Same with the Goldballer which is actually in the game if you know the trick. They will inevitably unlock that like Rico Delgado’s pistol.
I hope they use the actual Goldballer model, they accidentally used a DTI model instead.