Came in with the Straightjacket suit and strap that’s an accessory for it. I didn’t want to just guess, I wanted to find out for myself (for the immersion!). So, the only other thing I brought was a lockpick. I snuck into the guard’s room, picked the cabinet, and got the key-card scrambler. Then went to Agent Smith to get the master key. Got the guard disguise of the guy by the video recorder. Then went to the head Dr’s office, and found out it was the rhinoplasty patient.
I found him (He was outside by the ledge, very tempting for a push/accident kill, but felt it was too risky for getting spotted) and then did the weapon lure just for the heck of it (and I had done this yesterday, found the target, but it felt too easy). Then thought, maybe I’ll drown him, but ended up garroting him with the strap.
The way I did the ET was that I started in the Morgue to get that Master chip, knocked out a guard to get his disguise and wiped the cameras. Went up to the surgery to get intel on who the target was, encountered him walking away from the balcony, so followed him around until he went up to the balcony again. Distracted him to the side, knocked him out and dumped over the edge.
Yesterday I fired up my console, just to take care of this target. Everything is fine and dandy, until I realised that:
Diana’s intro was missing
My target was spawned god knows where, because on my first run there was no npc with bandage on their face, besides Portman.
because of the reason above, I restarted the whole thing and I kid you not:
Diana’s intro was still missing, there was an npc in white robe with a bandage on his nose, and only him besides portman. (as in npc with bandages)
In short, I was missing two npc, that supposed to make things difficult.
I used the poison dart gun and drowned him.
Done! Had to do some minor variations, which I will detail at a later point, but essentially 95% of what I described above played out as expected, and I killed the rhinoplasty motherfucker in the spa, exactly how I wanted to. Other than the fact that I had to use the bodyguard disguise, it was perfect!
I didn´t even realize this was a thing until I played it today. The original bio mentioned his involvement in ops in China, Japan and Korea, and these three countries being the clients, right? Any idea why this got changed/left out? The edited bio sucks…
I think because the original bio strongly implied that the Target is North Korean, considering what those three countries surround, and that the target is an agent of the State Security Department, which is a North Korean intelligence agency. They didn’t want to come across as insulting of NK, so they cut out references that implied it. That’s also why they came up with “Khandanyang” in the follow up games. Why they couldn’t have just edited the bio to make him Khandanyangan, I’ll never know.
I don´t really see how “insulting” NK would be an issue, especially since it wouldn´t be explicit and I doubt NK would even notice And as you rightly mention, introducing Khandanyang in H2/3 basically solved any such potential problems (heck, Hush himself is mentioned to have been a member of the same agency). Indeed, editing the bio to the original version and specifiying his allegiance to Khandanyang should have been the easiest thing to do.
@Clemens_IOI Could Ji-Hu´s bio be edited in that regard please?
My thoughts, too, but hey: who knows how international politics and entertainment business overlaps and who might be offended along the way. Never stopped Resident Evil from insulting China, but whatevs.
If you mean that North Korea became Khandanyang, I don’t think enough time has passed for a dynasty and line of succession to be established after replacing the Kim Jong dynasty. It seems to indicate that the original Heavenly Leader was either Sun Po or Jin Po, and that the other was the son, and that Tren Po is the grandson and current prince, and next in line for the title. I think. They haven’t made it fully clear yet.
I mean, I´m still surprised China didn´t go apeshit about that one line of dialogue in Sleeping Dogs (as far as I know) considering how quick they normally are to bitch about “improper” content in video games…
for The Fugitive, I found his file this time. the other times this target was reactivated, I happened to get lucky without searching for his intel but didn’t want to risk it this time. anyway, the target ended up being the eyepatch guy. got him by triggering an explosion near the operating room and quickly coming at him with a lethal syringe. didn’t do much for a distraction, but explosions are awesome
I just finished this one, phew! What fun!
I didn’t finish him the way i wanted it officially, but at least, i had fun planning each killing. I got so stressed the first time when it said it was a failure even though i only got spotted (bug?). Stupid me thought noone would see me pushing him off the ledge of the garden since noone heard me bludgeon him to death, but even more stupid me didn’t think of throwing the pipe near the ledge to make it look like an accident… I’m so bad at “planting a trap”
Anyway, the second time was still the eye guy. I realised not only is the target random but also the routine. So i finally found him at the sushi place and it took so long to poison him. So few cooks left conscious… but i got him the way i wanted. It’s funny how you build it up in your head while you’re playing, but you can also plan to do it a certain way. Fun!
I wanted to push my official target but after many resets, it was still the ear guy, between the spa and sushi place. I got his attention while walking down the corridors and bam! bathroom, neck, clean kill (yes the patient and the director were carefully put down earlier).
Do you know how random the target is? I reset numerous times to have the nose guy but never got him in the end. Anyway, Silent Assassin this time, got the great yukata. It’s much better than my “Rage” killing who went from sniper killing to massmurdering the entire roofs.