I’ve been non-stop Deathloop for a while now, so I decided to keep it simple and kick him off a cliff, Colt-style.
And with the white yukata back in my inventory () , I’m down to 5 suits to re-unlock.
I’ve been non-stop Deathloop for a while now, so I decided to keep it simple and kick him off a cliff, Colt-style.
And with the white yukata back in my inventory () , I’m down to 5 suits to re-unlock.
Same thing, I was also missing the yukata so I had to get my revenge. No messing up this time. Went straight to the director’s office and found out it was the eye guy. He didn’t seem to do much so I just went to get some fugu poison (fugitive, more like fugutive amirite) and slipped that into his drink. I rarely do poison kills in ET:s anyway.
A gun lure in an ET, risky. Well done.
It’s not nearly as risky when you’re ready to restart at the first hint of trouble…which I did a couple of times since I don’t use the weapon lure a lot and my timing was a bit off.
Ah. I did that so often in H2. It’s still my favorite lure for the director.
I never played this one, and went in blind.
Figured I needed to find some intel. I got a big guard disguise and found a computer with personal medical information on it.
Ok, my guy’s getting an eye job. Find him in the restaurant, after which he wandered to the spa. At some point he goes to the onsen to contemplate his life choices.
So I turned the heat up in the water, everyone left the pool, I closed the doors and banged him over the head with a wrench. Then I dragged him into the shallow water where he immediately drowned. Ran to the snowmobile and booked it before being caught.
Too bad it was the keratoplasty patient, otherwise there would not be so much trouble with weapon lure - surgery on ear or nose sure does not mess with your vision as much!
im glad to see weapon lures in full force on this et, love the weapon lure such a good feature/bug
Another good thing about this ET is the fact you don’t need to bother with killing in an extremely specific way, like with Surgeons.
Speaking of weapon lure, is it possible to kill him with poisoned sushi? It was my other idea for this ET, but I decided in the end for sauna…
I tried the poisoned sushi but it wouldn’t work. Maybe getting rid of Yuki and 2 NPCs that show up to take the offer could make it work, but probably not.
On the ET, finally I unlocked the White Yukata! Only suit I was lacking and it’s been a long time with no Hokkaido ET. Had fun with this one, always nice to ID a target. Unfortunately I got spotted by the director while leaving the mission, so this wasn’t a SA run.
Got him SA/SO! Will upload the whole screenshots soon. This time didn’t bother checking the medical records. Applied the Golden Standard of live targets don’t fit into containers.
All righty. Starting equipment.
Always love the cabinet with goodies in 47’s room specially since the rat poison’s tube can be used to keep doors open.
Bye bye, pesky survelliance.
2 in a row that weren’t the target so at least that means this time the target is getting killed while awake.
His secretive career went down the toilet.
Wanted to celebrate with the bear grenade posing next to the body but detonated for whatever reason. Guess it’s because of the NPCs next to the thin walls (no one got alerted, though).
Escape via the cable way. EZPZ.
Again a time with 47 seconds so it’s perfect.
Postman Bearmon delivered clousure. Now lets hope for more ETs in H3 maps.
Trending topics on TumblrCarrying on from my mini series, I eliminated him with a broadsword. I did it in 1:40 with an SASO rating. I was actually quite fortunate as I eliminated him on my first try (although I wish it took longer so I could get a better thumbnail picture).
The target triggered it himself, even dead bodies trigger proximity explosives (I hate that).
The bear grenade can reliably be used to KO people and won’t go off. Used to hit The Rage multiple times and didn’t explode.
Just tried it and it’s glitched just like other proximity explosives seem to be (I don’t know if it’s a recent bug but I don’t remember it being a thing). They can only be triggered by conscious or dead NPC:s, being near unconscious people does absolutely nothing.
That was a fun one. First time I played this ET and didn’t know what to expect. So I sieker’d the first guy with a bandage and knocked him out in the toilet. Tried to stash him away but couldn’t – so I knew he was the target. Finished him with a scalpel, thought that’s fitting for this target. Easy SA.
It was easier than I expected.
Didn’t know what to expect. Randomly went in the middle garden and saw that one of the bandage dudes is near a ledge; Pushed him and boom- that was the target. Easy SA.