Elusive Target #15: THE RAGE (Year 4: May 3 - May 13 2024)

Sort of like the 12 ghost in 13 Ghosts, whose nickname was the Breaker, but was referred to as the Juggernaut for the purposes of the story.

Still, makes more sense here than it did for the Serial Killer. Seriously, that one made no sense for either of his names. Not only was the guy’s actual designation “The Censor,” but that didn’t even make sense on its own. Then, he was titled as “The Serial Killer,” even though we’d already had one of those with Etta Davis, the Angel of Death, and we’ve had 3 others since then (The Collector, the Heartbreaker, and the Ascensionist) and now a 4th if one could interpret the deaths Bowden caused in his illegal fights as continuing victims after his initial kill in the ring. Literally half the new ETs are all serial killers.


I think the electrial box is just decorative and it was the EMP alone, but visually it works well to give the impression of more sophisticated sabotage, lol


That’s interesting. I attacked him in the room with the cocaine and he went down like a regular civilian. No quick time event at all.

Do you have to get him into that specific area to fight him?

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Pushed him off. Was cutting it close but a fun kill nonetheless.


Where to, or where from?

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Just outside the house with the basement gym he roams around at. He takes a look over the railing and you can push him off while the guards look the other way.


Got into Combat once and ended up killing an enforcer guard who saw through my disguise, followed me as I ran away and was just in the process of getting his gun out to bust me, but The Rage has quietened down and it’s another teardrop eye tattoo for #TeamNoRestarts.


lel. Wasn’t until I watched this that I realised IO mispelt “laundromat” in the subtitles as “laundry mat”. :rofl:


I just played this ET.
First of all, I’m glad we had our first elusive in Chongqing!
Second, this one wasn’t really complicated, but damn it was tons of fun; I absolutely love the fact, that the map had somewhat altered, along with npcs too… Though, there are some, that seem pointless, like replacing the woman at the trainstation to a man.

As for the run… I prepared with the farting briefcase (I always try this method, no matter what), with some poisons in my inventory.
Went to the arcade, then went into the block. Cleared out a storage room, since I noticed he was walking around there and out of sheer luck, the target happened to walk by. So I pacified his bodyguard and waited for him to rcome by again.
So this man, watched himself in the mirror how 47 appeared behind him and put some holes in his lungs.
Left on a scooter.

Also… is it me, or Diana’s pronociation was wrong? I mean everyone else pronounced ‘Chongquing’ the same way, but differently like her.


He’s a goner. SASO FIBERWIRE. Distracted the guard with an umbrella in the alley outside the arcade. Hid him in the dumpster then used his dropped gun so Sullys guard picked it up. Planted a few coins 1 outside the door in alley then 2 inside the door to buy some time. Pulled out the FW picked up my coins and then got out of there.

Word of caution the door in the back room doesn’t close on its own so need to be careful your out of view.


Happy for someone more knowledgable than me to correct me if I have this wrong, but as I understand it Diana/Jane Perry’s pronunciation of Chongqing in the briefing for The Rage (“Chung-ching”) is closer to the correct Chinese pronunciation than some of the examples in the main game which sound more like “Chong-king” (e.g. Olivia Hall in the opening v/o for End Of An Era etc), but you’re right that Diana’s pronunciation here isn’t consistent with other examples in HITMAN 3.


Yeah, I thought I was going mad when I was collecting footage. I chop up the longer clips into short segments and give them names to help me to put them together in the end as a story montage. Both the target and the dealer call it “laundry mat” in the subtitles, but the intel had it as “laundromat”. I wasn’t sure which one it was and what to name my short clips: “ET15 Dealer - Laundromat meet” or “ET15 Dealer - Laundry mat meet”.

Although “laundromat” is officially the correct title to use when faced with those alternatives, apparently some places call themselves a “laundry mat”, laundrette, wash and dry, and so on.

In England, I’ve only ever heard the term laundrette. I’d never heard of “laundromat” or “laundry mat”.


Not sure if anyone noticed this or not but if you use the Agency Pickup in the arcade in the Rage ET, the changes to the Arcade make the pickup briefcase unobtainable. It’s stuck under a rack of shelves and you can’t target it (or at least I couldn’t find that sweet spot where it worked).


SA/SONKO Injected poison (1:12)


When I lived in Louisiana they were called Washeterias.

But to be on topic: I just snapped his neck, after hiding in the locker in the back room he comes into with his bodyguard.


Fun one.

Put a car battery in a puddle by the laundromat before luring him over with the email. Shot it with the sniper rifle.


Personally I didn’t even knew, which one is the correct pronounciation :smiley:
I mean, when Chongquing was revealed , or the under the hood video was released they said the same way as the npcs ingame, so that’s why Jane’s version stuck out more for me.
In any case, I learned something new.


Did it this week-end: Started with the Block guard disguise, removed the different guys in the room by the ring, wiated for him, removed his bodyguard, injected lethal poison when the ET was snorting et voilà.
No need to take additional risks to secure SA.

I just discover that you can organize a meeting with the Rage and his bodyguard by going to the girl’s appartment and sending an email. Interesting to see that there are kinds of mission stories in ET missions.


Tried on my second account. This is the only et that can kill you. And boy was he tough. Too strong for 47!


That suit really looks bad in Chongqing’s rain. 47 looks like he’s covered himself in Vaseline.