That would explain why his face got younger in H3
well, IOI said the new map will fill in the unsolved gaps from the WOA storyline. it all makes sense now!
Is there any assumption for when this map comes out?
IO has said it will be in July. From there will be whenever patch day is, normally on a Tuesday.
Damn this is detailed, welp, the tuesdays in July are: 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th.
- July 5th
- July 12th
- July 19th
- July 26th
0 voters
Most of us are having such big trust issues that we assume that it will be the end of July
I’m thinking June 12th or 7th when the road map
I would like to think it is the 5th as have the day off work but will likely be in the last two weeks of the month.
Id like them to take the full month to polish it to the max. It needs to be on par with other locations.
Wow, yall are really pessimistic, genuinely believe it’ll be in the middle, if its aimed for the end of July why would they announce it’ll come in July? They’d rather not to say anything incase it’ll be delayed to the first days of August, for IOI it would be just a couple of days, for us it would feel like a month
I aim for it to be in beginning or middle July. I jope they take their time to make a varied mission in the classic infiltration all hostile enviroment.
From memory, the best content of roadmaps always drop from day 24 to 31 in the month
Haven Island: 24, Siberia: 30, New York and special assignments: 25
(edit: these I just checked these to confirm, I meant that from memory I certainly remember waiting and waiting for all the best stuff to drop almost the next month!)
Welp, this thing is no fun
it would be nice if we were given a more specific time frame for when to expect things. they have less people working on HITMAN than ever right now though, so i 100% don’t blame them for being somewhat behind.
i still can’t believe we’re getting an entirely new map
Since July is coming near, sod you think we will get some kind of trailer for Ambrose Island? I remember there was one for Haven and New York, too
I’m guessing the July roadmap will announce the release date and then there will be trailers etc spread out from there up until launch to build hype.
I expect a trailer to be released like 5th of July and then it’s announced for 31st of July at 11:59pm.