Ambrose Island - Pre-release Discussion

There will likely be a trailer for the location, especially if it’s some sort of DLC, they gotta tease it for the public :wink:




This is not a concern that they should take seriously when it’s an unlock, especially if it’s one that’s relatively difficult to unlock. Shit, remember the days of cheat codes? Invincibility, infinite ammo, etc. It increases the fun factor and replayability after you’ve already experienced the game as-designed.


Looks like the location is Ambrose Island in Canada.
Got this from google map -


What is everyone’s opinion on this being another island themed mission, I’ve seen a lot of people have mixed feelings on it and I personally can see why.

This map gives very much a Colorado/Haven vibes which is interesting this map is mostly definitely hostile throughout however a part of me believes that maybe there’s a small island community that are working with whatever is on the island and therefore maybe it can be a public space aswell?

It’s hard to tell from what we’ve seen so far but personally I do think this could redeem what they missed from haven when it comes to kill opportunities. A lot of people when haven was first announced mention many different sea kills instead of actual island resort kills so maybe they’ve looked more into kill opportunities like sinking boats or sharks or something along those lines.

Overall I’m quite excited to see what it brings and I’m just looking forward to a new fresh mission considering this is most likely the last technical mission we’ll get in the trilogy


This may be the real Ambrose, but IOI’s is a fictional tropical island.


I don’t understand the problem. It’s an island, but so what? Every map has been an island in a way. There has to be an edge to the map. 47 can’t simply walk off into downtown Miami or hike off to the next house over in Mendoza. We can’t visit the mansion down the road in Dartmoor nor can we take the tram down to the little village below Hokkaido. They’re all islands.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with an island. The comparison to Haven is already proven wrong. Haven is a resort island with a restaurant, pool, visitor huts, etc. From what we know about Ambrose the only thing it has in common with Haven is that it’s surrounded by water. We don’t have enough information yet to know anything more.

If the only problem with Ambrose Island is that it isn’t an airport, ski resort or some other wished-for map type, that isn’t really a problem at all.


I think perhaps a somewhat practical criticism might be in relation to the timeline; 47 going to so many islands in such a short span of time. As far as we currently know, given what’s been said about Ambrose’s place in the story, it is likely going to take place sometime between Whittleton Creek and Dubai. In that time, 47 already visited three islands; Sgail, Haven, and that one right next to Haven, although that doesn’t really count since that was just their hideout while in the Maldives. But still, with Ambrose thrown in, 47 going to three different islands to take out targets within the span of a week is rather… odd. Nothing wrong with it, it’s purely coincidental, but that’s still a strange turn.


Well, if you consider that in all of those cases the targets were essentially trying to stay out of any sort of national jurisdiction, international waters seems to make sense. Sgail was cabal of survivalist millionaires who probably didn’t trust a lot of governments to do the “right thing” (in their minds). The middle of the North Atlantic was probably a good place for them to meet, story-wise.

Haven was a similarly hush-hush type of target that wouldn’t have fit very well in the middle of a major city or in any other real national jurisdiction. I don’t know what sort of extradition laws the Maldives have, but if I were going to start up a business giving very high profile people completely new identities and the other sorts of work that happened on Haven Island, I might pick a pretty similar place.

I don’t see it as odd at all that there are 3 or 4 island locations in close proximity. There were none in Hitman 1 and none in Hitman 3 (the main story lines at least, not including the new map). The fact that they all seem to exist within the rough timeline of Hitman 2 is OK to me and it fits within the plotline that is going in when those maps are in play.


Yes, every level has boundaries around it, just like an island but that assumes we only care about the structural/gameplay elements in a map. Aesthetics and feel have a huge impact on people as well, there’s no denying it.

The aesthetics of a tropical island are kind of played out in Hitman at this point. Some of the thrill of a new Hitman level is seeing the amazing art direction on maps like Hokkaido or Mendoza.

Also, looking at player feedback, some of the best Hitman gameplay arguably comes from exploring a social setting, like a party or a town. It doesn’t seem to be too present here - a sleeping town on its own won’t be too exciting.

At the same time, IO do like to contrast their maps and put in some unexpected area as well. So I’m definitely giving them the benefit of the doubt. They only showed us a couple of screenshots, so I bet they’ve kept some major part of the map secret.


Could be worse…


I like the island idea. At this point in the series, after all the maps, I’d prefer a more exotic location like such island than a mundane location.


While I am excited to see Ambrose Island, I must admit that at first I was disappointed we didn’t get a large snow/winter themed map.

We have a lot of snow themed suits and even a few snow themed guns that make no sense on any map besides Hokkaido becauae that’s the only snow map we can smuggle items in/take a Loadout into.

I hope we either get one more new map (that is snow/winter themed), or a snow/winter themed Bonus Mission in the future. I think a snow map would work best on a map like Whittleton Creek and/or Berlin (if they want to use a Hitman 3 map for a Bonus Mission).


I think those items were specifically made FOR Hokkaido though. :joy:

They can also apply to Isle of Sgail, and the Paris map during Holiday Hoarders.

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My point was that I want a larger map that isn’t Hokkaido that is also snow/winter themed.

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No, I know. i get it. People have been asking for a new snow themed map since Hitman 2.

The problem is, visually, NPCs aren’t similarly dressed. So it looks weird being in a heavy, winter style jacket and gloves while NPCs on the same level, in the same enviroment are in kimonos (Hokkaido) or cocktail dresses and tuxedos (Paris/Isle of Sgail).


Eh, they’re colder than they let on. Or they can afford clothing that still looks standard but keeps warm.

I never thought about using the winter stuff on sgail but I could see that working well!

But I do understand where everyone is coming from. It’s a shame we couldn’t bring our own loadout to untouchable in any of the starting positions but I’ve always wanted to see a snow map bonus mission where it’s covered in snow on maybe whittleton or dartmoor I think these would be pretty cool maps to have something like that

But realistically it’s not impossible for them to give us a snow mission in an existing map. Look at the changes made to Dartmoor and Berlin for there little unique missions ( BEH & DGS and yes I count these as bonus missions) I think if they did more stuff like this where they gave us a set of unique targets to take out in the way DGS was made you could have one or two for each map and technically call them missions

I really hope they do some more of those kinds of content for other maps especially for the hitman 2 and 3 maps where they don’t have as much content when it comes to extra missions


the things I would do for a snow-covered berlin or dartmoor