Yes or No...? 2

For a week, whenever you play Hitman, would you play with no silencers just for the challenge?

I don’t necessarily mean in Freelancer but that’s up to the player. This would be more like replaying the normal mission levels. Obviously, this will take some strategizing. If you’re going to kill a target - make sure you’re near a bin/closet or cliff to hide their bodies should the shot draw any attention. Or perhaps go for long(er) distance kills if a target is isolated and won’t be spotted where they (hopefully) die. Or just within 2 doors. Loud shots are also good for causing panic allowing you to (usually) openly trespass near non enforcer guard NPCs. Feel free to correct me or elaborate on that if you know more about it. :wink:

Such a “challenge” won’t be too bad since cameras can be destroyed with thrown melee items. And you wouldn’t always have to use a gun anyway if you don’t want to… Since it’d be loud. You just wouldn’t have the convenience of a silencer.

  • Yes. I think I will try that just to see what happens. It could be fun.
  • No. Doing things safely is enough of a challenge. Such a thing would be terrible.
0 voters

I’m thinking mainly handguns. But unsilenced larger firearms could be used too I suppose. :thinking:


I remember watching a video (or was it a series?) a while back by BigMooney where he played through the campaign with loud gun kills only (killing only targets) and I thought “Yeah, that might be fun to try for a change.” So yeah, I´d go for it.


I have been playing the main game with the “classic default loadout” for a year now.

  • Gloved default location suit
  • ICA19 Classicballer
  • Fiberwire Classic
  • Classic Coin

The “lock to cameras for throw item and disable” patch made it much easier.
To the point that now the classic loadout is less a challenge, and more an aesthetic.



Who’s gonna win?

  • Tyson
  • Paul
0 voters
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So this is kind of like a dumb version of Rocky 6, then?

If I’m to give Paul any credit at all, he’s 27 and Tyson is 57. That does potentially give him some kind of edge, maybe. That said, I’d be shocked and astounded if Tyson actually lost.


Yeah Paul’s advantage is he’s much younger and that does matter a lot, but I’m still rooting for Tyson.


And then it all turns out to be a setup, where everyone bets on Tyson, he deliberately loses, and Paul bets on himself and wins it all, and secretly splits it with Tyson, because that’s a conspiracy theory that’s just stupid enough to work.



And HMF can all trauma bond over collectively getting ripped off. :smile:


You know what, I remember Mike Tyson biting an ear off. That man is crazy. Jake Paul has no chance.

and even if Tyson isn’t crazy, old age and treachery will always beat youth and skill.

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Looking at the outcomes of elections in so-called “democracies” over the last thirty years at least, I’d say that assessment is correct.

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Which one do you think is the greater threat to you?

  • An intelligent enemy
  • A idiotic ally
0 voters

I answered from my own perspective. I don’t have any enemies but I know a lot of idiots who wish me no specific harm. Much greater danger from them than from unknown “enemies” that, as far as I know, don’t exist.


Incompetence and disunity in one’s own ranks is more devastating than an external enemy could ever be. History is filled to the brim with incompetent leaders of all ranks and titles who caused the downfall of their own states, and any allies they had suffered along with them, I’m sure. You see it in our stories and movies and things, too; the Avengers turning against each other in Civil War is ultimately the only reason Thanos had any success when his time came, because they weren’t unified, and while that’s not necessarily incompetence, those who are your allies must be on the same page as you or your vulnerabilities are potentially endless. You can even see it on a personal level; the phrase “you are your own worst enemy.” An outside opponent, no matter how intelligent or powerful or well-prepared they are, could never harm you as badly as your own mistakes could if you let them.

So yeah, give me an intelligent enemy any day; eventually they’ll slip-up, regardless of their intellect, probably due to their arrogance and ego. An idiotic ally, however well-meaning, could do something as innocuous as not push the right button at the right moment, and bring utter ruination.


Yep, I agree. With a smart enemy, as difficult as they may be, you can try to outsmart them and even if you can’t, then at least there’s some dignity in losing, I think.

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Okay! So! Thanks for all your input, I greatly appreciate it. Gosh it seems like there are a lot of fans and a lot of support for Nintendo’s new TTYD Remake. I guess it really is as good as ever now.

I will take that consideration and put it into my pocket for later!
There’s that and the Super Mario RPG that also got a lot of buzz recently for being an extremely faithful remake of a pretty old game.

So, while I recognize how popular and successful and how well Nintendo pulled off those two RPG remakes, I think I’m going to have to pass for now, wait a bit, maybe I’ll catch a sale (or heck, get two more vouchers and get them that way.
I say this because I already have a few RPGs in my backlog already, and I don’t want to add yet another one if I redeem this voucher for it. – I have the Kingdom Hearts series to start, Persona 5R, Mario & Luigi SS 3DS remake, to name a few… (And this expires on the 11th or 12th too…)

So, for now, great poll, great advice, but I think I’ll redeem this for Pkmn Legends Arceus. A pokemon title that actually tried something new and I think also got lots of praise for breaking from the years-old pokemon adventure mold.


Personally I’m hoping they’ll make a Super Paper Mario remake soon. It was one of my favorite games growing up.


I’m doing another one of these. Which movie should I potentially see this weekend?

  • Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
  • The Fall Guy
0 voters

We started watching The Fall Guy and only got about half way through before we both fell asleep (rented on Amazon Prime). I wouldn’t recommend it.


Fallout 4, what did you do with Shaun?

  • Joined him
  • Killed him
  • Did not join him but did not kill him
  • Other
0 voters
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  • Didn’t bother to play Fallout 4