Yes or No...? 2

Left and Right, I think.


I know; technically, “Silverballers” is his nicknaming of them. I just mean, if he were slightly more sentimental enough to grant names to inanimate objects, especially ones as close to him as his primary weapons (much like how the leader of the Saints named her pistol The Absolver), what might be something he’d go with? Particularly at this point in his career where he’s actively pursuing the vigilante route.

You know, I think we have a winner.

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I believe AMT Silverballers are the in universe name for pistol. Not just a nickname. In Codename 47 they were called AMT Hardballers and with H2SA they changed the name to AMT Silverballers. Probably due to licensing restrictions.


I know that’s why the game changed them, but I was under the impression that, in-universe, the Silverballer name was merely us seeing them from 47’s perspective because they are a custom pair he had designed for him, and so he dubbed them Silverballers, and any mention of the name is a direct reference to these two specific pistols, and that ICA just adopted the name themselves later when they started making their own Hardballer versions available to other agents.

Left and Right Twix.


Peanut butter & Jelly. :yum:



Pew (1) & Pew (2). When he’d go get 'em he’d say I need muh pewpews. And then when shooting he’d be like…


Are we more excited for…

  • Greatest Hits Jurassic Park Game
  • First Person Indiana Jones Game
  • Open World Star Wars Game
0 voters
1 Like

Pancho and Lefty.


Round 2. Would you be more excited for…

  • Live Service Ghostbusters Looter Shooter Monster Hunter with Guns, Jetpacks, and Giant Creatures
  • Narrative Third Person Hub-World Choices Matter Back To The Future with Skating Mechanics
  • First Person Melee Insult Combat Potion Crafting Monkey Island Soft Reboot
0 voters

Those ideas are triggering my fight-or-flight response.


Which movie should I see this week.

  • Mean Girls (2024)
  • Argylle
  • The Beekeeper
0 voters

This is the selection at the theatre closest to me:

Mean Girls (2024)
Anyone But You
The Beekeeper
The Holdovers

I saw The Holdovers yesterday and loved it, caught Wonka back in December. Skipping out on Anyone But You and Migration, so these are our three options. I’m leaning towards Mean Girls and only really want to see Argylle to witness the train wreck, but I figured that a poll could be fun too.


I feel stupid voting for a re-make but I heard Mean Girls is really entertaining.


as someone who saw it in theatres, and also saw the original. man thats a great movie, way better than i was expecting

What should they do next with the Suicide Squad?
  • Try a TV series
  • Try an animated series
  • Try another game, but don’t try to make it like the Arkham games
  • Try another movie, but with a director who knows what they’re doing and actors who seem like they care
  • Don’t know, too uncertain
  • Stop trying to adapt them altogether
0 voters

It’s time for DC to give it up. It didn’t work in season 2 of Arrow, it barely worked for the animated Assault on Arkham movie, it didn’t impress for the first live-action movie, those who remember that it had a sequel were only mildly more entertained if they didn’t think it was worse, and now it seems to have failed in its latest incarnation as a video game. Anytime a story they were involved in did catch anybody’s interest, it’s always had to be carried by Amanda Waller, Harley Quinn, or the Joker.

The whole concept of making C-list supervillains fight greater threats by promising to reward them with time off their prison sentences or threatening to blow them up was a tad intriguing at first, but it’s had so many misfires by now that the whole notion has worn out its welcome. It’s time for DC to stop trying to make them DC’s answer to the Guardians of the Galaxy as a lovable group of outlaws and misfits, and just keep them in the comics where they belong. I’m not even sure how popular they are in the comics, so even that is possibly a matter of debate.


the second movie was genuinly really good imo. so another movie in that style would be the most preferred thing


Yeah the James Gunn movie was fine, and there will almost certainly be another one of those.

Who do you think 47 would consider his best friend?
  • Diana Burnwood
  • Lucas Grey
  • Father Vittorio
  • Victoria
  • Sister Mary
  • Tommy the Tailor
  • Carlton Smith
  • Birdie
  • His Silverballers
  • His tie
0 voters

Somehow, @schatenjager, I was hoping that it would be you who picked that choice. Just for the irony of it.