Worst Level in Hitman Contracts

Bar the remakes of the levels in this game what is everyone’s worst level mine would have to be The Bjarkhov Bomb takes forever to get from point A to point B the snow in your face too is just a bland ugly looking level what about everyone else?


Wang Fou Incident would definitely have to up there among the worst ones. It gives me vibes of a shitty custom mission made by a fan

“Hmm let me just add in 94 targets, maybe add some guards here and there, ooo let’s play around with the lighting settings and make everything inexplicably dark during this crucial Triad meeting.”

Comparing it with the other much more detailed levels leads me to the conclusion that it was incredibly rushed just to get it out the door before release date.

Bjarkhov Bomb is objectively shit but I still had hours upon hours of fun just trying to conquer the many challenges it offers.


If we’re talking about the fully original levels than yeah, Bjarkhov Bomb is easily the weakest.

But I do like the setting, the snow is a nice change of pace from rain and I have a soft spot for hostile environments. But it’s just way too big. If they shrunk it significantly I’d probably really like it.


What does everyone think about Hunter and Hunted?

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The most dificult one, at least at the begining.


The environment and atmosphere of Bjarkhov Bomb is the height of cozy, but the mission as a whole is complete trash. A nuisance to complete and a nightmare to get SA on.

I don’t have as much of a problem with the Triad remakes as a lot of other posters seem to. I quite enjoyed all of them, even though Traditions and Beldingford are my favourites in the game.

*Edited for misspelling Bjarkhov.


Asylum Aftermath could have been a cutscene, so that’s my pick.


I agree Bijarkov Bomb is the less enjoyable mission of the game: not really bad, but too tedious and linear.

It did Fugitive 47 better than the whole Absolution.


Not to mention impossible to get all zeros on; you have to kill the guard in the underground tunnel not knock him out since all the guards somehow find out when he wakes up without clothes. Same goes for knocking out the civilian and taking his clothes but leaving the guard untouched. Even changing your disguise won’t help.

I would say Bjarkhov can be dull and too big but can be quite unique I would say Hunter and Hunted if it could be classed as a level really.

The china levels, i hate that they are at night

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Original:Asylum Aftermath
Reimaged:all Hong Kong mission(music very good though)

Satu Mare aside, probably Paris. But then, IO have a track record of making the final missions for each installment absolutely terrible. They’re just McMissions.

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Why nobody picked Rotterdam? Both missions. Time limit is always awful. Besides, Rendezvous is very bugged, cover is blown in all disguises every time while discovering the bikers club. I still don’t understand why. Deadly Cargo is hell, I really can’t stand with that one. Boris is the worst target ever in the series. Hong Kong much better optimised.

I actually enjoy those. The collect the photograph level was challenging and has one of the series few targets that potentially isn’t a bad guy and the remake of the two levels from codename, despite being odd and feeling rushed, has some fun options like joining the assault force on the ship and taking the rooftop snipers weapon and then trying not to get blown to pieces by the helicopter police.


The final mission where you have to turn around two swat members using some ridiculous shenanigans in order to get Silent Assassin is definitely the worst, but that tutorial comes in as a close second.


That’s unnecessary. You can alternatively use a car, and even this unnecessary to get a SA.

Not only that you can accidentally hit the SWAT guy with the car and you won’t lose Silent Assassin unlike in World of Assassination.


Fine, it’s my favorite mission now. You guys are very convincing!


Oh and better yet it is possible to get the patient with the SMG to kill the SWAT guard that patrols up and down the circular staircase. I taze him when he’s not looking then drag his body upstairs which causes all the patients to run up to me and follow me around as long as I’m dragging the body. Best spot to drag the body is to the room next to the stairs then wait. Once the patient with the SMG fires he’ll do so both in the air and to the ground, killing the unconscious guard without penality. And because they’re upstairs the guards that normally kills the SMG patient won’t find him nor the guard’s body.

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