I really dont know why but the speedruner’s tears over the muffin particles being removed were so sweet. I dont know why i feel an irational distaste for speeruners….
Ya, and i just love making every single thing i do in the safehouse pump me up for my targets cuz that music is GOLD for me, from walking to my map selector, changing my clothes to suit the destination, to grabbing my basement equipment, to walking upstairs, closing the secret wall door into the safehouse basement so just in case the house is compromised the basement isn’t open, to going into the garage, opening the garage door and then driving out to my destination.
I do this every single time. Lol
Truthfully, I wish we could have the game play our own music playlists in the safehouse, just because I’d have it play songs that sound kind of appropriate to the Hitman universe. When The Man Comes Around, Head Like A Hole, Seek And Destroy, Hell’s Comin’ With Me, Dirty Deeds, and the like.
Yo!! Travis quit from IOI? Is this true? Just saw it on Reddit but i don’t see any info here like how Clemens announced it and Travis has been around for way longer.
Why can’t you just listen to whatever you want while you play the game?
I can, and do, but it would just seem cooler to me if you could hear it coming from within the game. Similar to how back in the early 2000s (I don’t know if this had carried forward because I haven’t played any since 2006), GTA games, at least on Xbox could have songs from your own selection playing on a special radio station when you get into a vehicle. Much more awesome than simply playing it in your actual room while the game is on.
You don’t see the Thank you and goodbye! thread?
Actually, I remembered that you play on an Xbox(?). I play on a PC so I almost always have YouTube or a movie or something playing while I play a game. On an console, that’s not quite the same thing. My audio all comes through headphones (and I almost always keep the game audio turned off or very low).
Anyone else think we might get some Year 4 news drop next week perhaps?
My money is on the week after the Elusive Target galore is over and not a minute sooner.
Hmm yeah you’re probably right. The hint that was given just before Xmas sounded like Year 4 news was imminent just after the new year.
Ya i didn’t see it until i went to the main hitman page. I link right to this part of the forum and i guess it didnt pop up but clemens’ did. Thanks.
Maybe. There was a January patch in Year 2 and Year 3 (and in Year 1 the game launched in January) so logically one might assume there would be one in Year 4 as well.
They can always bring him back in a goofy and self-aware way, like how they brought him back in H2, where The Undying Returns had Faba with a bandage on his eye while the original Undying ET did not.
I can totally see IO doing The Undying Mark 3, but this time he’d have his entire face bandaged like a mummy (all facial features obscured), his voicelines would have a muffled filter, and he’d be voiced by a different actor. The mission would be functionally the same except that Faba wouldn’t be played by a famous actor anymore, could be a cool way to get around using Sean Bean’s likeness and bring The Undying back again, whether its for ET Arcade or just as a regular ET.
Let’s wait and see then. It might be around once Elusive Target Galore ends to be fair, but that’s only a few weeks away. Not too long to wait now!
It’s getting harder to accurately guess what they’ll do anymore since they’re breaking all the established “rules” and patterns nowadays.
ie in 2022 Clemens said that they had a very hard rule about never, ever rolling out a patch when they have an ET live - which was why the September 2022 roadmap got reshuffled after they realised a patch would overlap with the patch that month. And then last year, they rolled out a new game patch when an ET was live.
Brilliant actually.
I’m bringing the molotov along this time
IOI are really busy, so things are subject to change I guess.
Hopefully Year 4 news isn’t too far away though!
With everything happening at IOI, I assume 2024 will be the start of the 007 game communication cycle.
I wonder if they are going to do any cross promotion content. I’m between them going for a relative disengagement of the WoA to put it on the background, or them using it as a live showcase for the newcomers.
All I know is, there’s no way they don’t let 007 wear 47’s suit and tie as an alternate outfit in that game. I know the chances that it doesn’t happen aren’t zero, but come on, there’s no way that doesn’t end up happening.
There is a way, it’s called MGM/EON refusing. Hopefully they’re not that po-faced about their franchise, though.