That is pretty cool to be fair. I prefer the colour of that wrench and crowbar to be fair as well. Was there anything else in the CTT that you saw but didn’t make it into the final version of Freelancer yet? (Please don’t say the seasonal decorations)
I think IOI will drop it all at once to be fair, or at least I hope that’s the case? I don’t think none of us can wait any longer!
I definitely think it’s more than likely to be paid DLC, very much like the Makeshift Weapon Pack for Freelancer, which included decorations and weapons. Let’s hope these new decorations that have been teased come in the same bundle alongside the Easter, Halloween and Xmas decorations
I never played the Undying (I started playing after the first run in 2019, and missed the second one). So I kinda hope for a revamp of him.
I wouldn’t say no to an Ambrose one though. Bonus if it’s during the day. I do wonder what interesting scenario could be created for it, because I have a blank. Ambrose is not a setting of diverse social theatre to use.
And as usual : Chongqing streets, busy ,morning, in a smog,
Hawke’s Bay is really underrated, it could actually be a really cool map for an ET/SA if done right. That needlessly big empy beach can be used for so many things. There’s enough space to add entire new buildings. As I’m writing this I’m envisioning a beach party for a rich asshole full of people, huts and stands; it can even be turned into a mini Heaven Island. The main house can be totally overhauled, there’s just so many possibilites that need to be explored.
At this point I’m doubting it is a new ET, given that IO went through the effort of contacting IGN to have the page updated. The cat would already be out of the bag if it is genuinely a new Elusive Target, making the exercise mostly pointless as there was only ~24 hours left anyway.
Now my expectations are set to maxing out at a return of The Undying, which had some hints dropped a few months ago during The Drop as being possible - where as before it had always been a hard no.
At least this way if I’m wrong, yay. If I’m right, I’m not disappointed.
And here is the direct link to the currently hidden trailer, the video is at the moment private but should be made public in two hours. For all the F5/refresh aficionados.
(the World of Assassination playlist was updated today)
Something tells me this update is gonna be substantial. Yes we will have rehashed/repurposed content but we will see stuff we haven’t seen yet even through leaks.