In my opinion, it is Mrs. Mookjai, the hotel manager in Bangkok. She is an enforcer for all the hotel staff disguises except for the exterminator.
Her path is so annoying. If Dexy Barat left or you’ve subdued her, the hotel manager just stands in front of the Wing A’s lobby entrance for a long time.
Jason Portman was an annoying little turd in Hokkaido. He would notice you and rush to your position and talk trash to you while you were trying to enter the guard office. I always have to remember to stay clear of him when replaying that mission.
Portman is a great example but in general many bodyguards. The previous deal is far more common in ETs.
My worst personal experience with NPCs, was back in H2016 with The Ex-Dictator, when Richard and Inez entering somewhere would turn the spot into a Hostile Zone for you.
True! But, I dunno, it was his particular voice and snootiness that made him annoying to me. At least Dawood was comical when telling you “he’s paying you in exposure” and Silvio had that usual awkwardness to his voice when scolding Chef Marcelo, but Ken just had no redeeming factors I liked about him. Plus, he complained about every little thing
I don’t think his voice itself is annoying, but his constant berating of his crew at the start of the level is so annoying.
"What… Was that? That was a match! That was a GODDAMN MATCH! That thing looked like it wanted to light a cigarette! I mean, come on! The audience is supposed to think Icon is in PERIL! They’re supposed to go like… WOW! When I worked for Jess Franco we had better production value than this. C’mon people! Get into it.
I don’t have a specific npc that I find more annoying then others, I find all equally annoying. Especially when they suddenly stop to scold you, when you get to close.
Garlic is delicious, I will never shame anyone for eating garlic. But on 47’s breath (new thread idea) I can’t imagine him having an bad breath. I believe he got superior mouth mouth hygiene.