When (if?) the Coin is added to Freelancer, make it an unlockable permanent pickup in the basement

As we wait for the next roadmap, and hopefully the arrival soon of The Coin™ in Freelancer.

When the Outstanding Service Coin is added to Freelancer, it might be better to make it a permanent pickup in the basement of the Safehouse.

It would make the Coin a meaningful addition, rewarding the player, and reminding them beneficially of their Freelancer career with 47 iconic tool always at their disposal.

As a treat to them and to the Freelancer mode.

Because the Coin has to be added one day. The empty slot in the tool crates is a sour part of Freelancer.

  • The Coin is too iconic to be “just” a tool among others.
  • After all this time just adding to the loot table would be a disappointment to the players, and a lost opportunity to IOI. One with a build up that long matured, and ripped for the taking.
  • A coin pickup would be a good mid-end game reward. Maybe with a new mid-end game challenge to unlock it. It would be meaningful, yet not broken.
  • It would be in accord with its name “Outstanding Service Coin”, it should out stand. And reward the service done.
  • It might be a good ratio of reasonable production time to positive game addition.

I just wish that when Coin arrives, it’s not a whisper, a majestic flight that crash lands.
Roadmaps addition should celebrate Freelancer a bit.

As to how, I have two possibilities in mind (possible spawn points in yellow):

  • Either via a single new cosmetic for the Mission Control. It’s how other pickup and interactions appears. And it’s in front of the usual stop of the weapon wall.

(it could allow for a John Wickesque decoration dressing with coins boxes galore, I believe it’s accurate to the game public and aesthetics wishes.)

  • Or near the reward crate, for ease of access, and via the same mechanic that make challenge trophies appears.

To unlock it, if it’s not an addition as is, maybe a challenge asking to complete a full campaign without spending a single Merces, or gaining X amount of Merces after it’s added, or reaching a certain threshold of them.

I’m not that good at that. But I am curious as to what could be proposed.


That empty slot for the coin in my briefcase, for outstanding service, or excellence, or something like that…
How do I achieve it? I’ve been playing freelancer for couple of years, I reached the top level, I’ve been to millions of merces (and back to zero)… I don’t know what else should I do

You can’t unlock the coin it’s been bugged since the mode came out


It’s with the Notebook from the Shaving Lenny mission.


Those coins are legacy from Hitman 2016.

Still they are absent in Freelancer mode.
There should’ve been some challenge or conditions to unlock them, but after all this time developers haven’t implemented neither it nor coins in Freelancer

IOI have acknowledged it’s an issue, so we’re hoping it’s fixed before content finishes for the game.

We still don’t know what the definite unlocks requires are or would be for it, but let’s hope we haven’t got too long to wait? :grin:

Not sure if this picture is leaked or modded, but it looks like one of the original intentions was for the coin to be hidden behind an unlock required in Hitman 2


This unlock has somehow eluded IOI since 2023. I must know what the priorities are for IOI for them to consistently ignore this problem. Because as @Lewisnic1 said, they know about it because people tell them. And players online won’t shut up about it on reddit and in the discord and on here. Yet, for some reason, the developers won’t fix it.

Of course, they will at some point, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on it being the next patch. As I said, it’s been broken since 2023 and nothing has been done since then, despite every freelancer player seeing it. It also strikes me as strange that the files this runs on hasn’t even been altered to point to a different coin (or even making a new one), if it’s really about ET exclusivity and saving it for that. To me, this sitch suggests that they are deliberately avoiding it, and are fully content on doing so for now.

This sounds like a minor issue, a thing to point out and laugh at, but it’s quite indicative of IO’s behaviour when it comes to fixes to the game; the attitude of “we’ll get round to it when we get to it”, instead of “oh, that’s a silly mistake, let’s fix that”, which any other company would’ve solved by now, if nothing else but to silence those questions.

It is absurd that this is still an issue. Fix this bloody coin already!

Can you see it remaining behind the Hitman 2 ET elimination unlock, or can you see IOI changing its unlock requirements once they get around to fixing it? Either way, if it remained at the Hitman 2 ET unlock I’d be ok because I’d meet the requirement, but I’m still thinking of others players who didn’t play Hitman 2, possibly new players, wouldn’t have chance to get it?

My best guess is that they’ll change the coin, or change the descriptions and name of the coin to avoid comparisons with elusive targets.

Or, at the very least, another company would have likely revealed why it’s broken and/or why they haven’t fixed it yet, which makes the whole “hang in there” response about it more palatable. Frankly, I don’t care if they never fix it, so long as other, more glaring and repetitive issues are resolved, but so long as they’re taking their time fixing those as well, throw the coin onto the pile while they’re at it.

I don‘t think it‘s a bug, an unintentional error, that prevents the coin from appearing. Even though IOI aren‘t particularly responsive when it comes to fixing bugs, the coin is far too noticeable and it‘s been way too much time for this to be a simple bug.

Instead, I think IOI are intentionally holding the coin back. They have bigger plans for it, whatever that‘ll be.
Maybe they are monitoring Freelancer hours played and once overall interest is low, they‘ll come up with a new challenge that allows players to obtain the coin, in order to drum up some buzz around the game again. Or maybe they‘re waiting for another special occasion to release it.

Is that a smart strategy? I don‘t think so, but that‘s what IOI have decided on.

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Also on the side that’s the coin is not bugged, or in need of a fix.
It’s just not released.

(After two years, it’s ridiculous though. Then again.)

For personal Pavlovian reasons, I just hope it will be released before I decide to close off my Freelancer challenges. Would be waste if it’s decisively too late.

Possibly, but hopefully we haven’t got too long until we find out :crossed_fingers:t2:

Well, I know this has been flagged up to @Combatglue, who has taken it back to the devs, which makes me think it’s bugged related perhaps? I’m thinking if they had plans for it, such as a possible unlock later down the line, surely the devs who are active on here would be in the know about it? I’m not sure to be fair but it’s just a thought :slightly_smiling_face:

Merged everything related to the Freelancer coin into the thread created by @LandirtHome a few months ago :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think it was in this or the last roadmap that they mentioned big news or some future update coming our way.

One can hope part of that update is for Freelancer. Adding both map variations, new objectives, new gear and dum dum duuum the coin.
If they do plan on a year 5 (I can’t see why they wouldn’t, with how great things are going for them financially) then it would be a great way to tie the remaining knots on the game - especially freelancer. And they would have an entire year to sort of smooth out accuring bugs and such until they wrap it up and focus a 100% on James Bond. (And by wrapping up, they better make the last update - the offline update)

I really hope so! :crossed_fingers:t2:

Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to see Freelancer continuing to get support, such as additional Safehouse decorations, but I’m also hoping some of the bug fixes are going to be addressed as well sometime in the future. I know some players are still having issues with the fuse and I know certainly the Dubai Helicopter still doesn’t have any audio when taking off from the Safehouse. Also, there is the ongoing coin saga, so hopefully that’s addressed shortly! It would also be cool to see some new challenges unlocks themed around Freelancer, like when we had the Black Brusier suit unlock etc :grin:

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I got the coin! I started the game, entered the basement, opened the standard crate in the middle of the room and it was waiting for me!

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