What's New....?

So my “Morning” is turning out to be an Evening… :upside_down_face::exploding_head::interrobang:

Thankfully I had no work or huge priorities today so that’s lucky.

But I kinda think I slept like… 16 hours.

I feel okay. I had a really really never-ending busy day at work yesterday (last day of school and ALL the kids were coming to our store for their last after-school drink routine or something lol) so when I got home at 6pm, I may have fell asleep on the couch for an hour. Then I had dinner after! And then I had a weird sleepless night until 3am.
I think I woke up quite a few times in the middle of the night last night too, but…

I ended up “waking up” at 7pm and I’m like so confused… I feel… fine I think! Just, totally missed any morning alarms I had set, and the parents were gone most of today, so they assumed I was up doing other stuff… wow… :sweat_smile: :sweat:

My body is just like… needing to catch up on A LOT of sleep I guess!!? ???

Anyway, I’m probably not gonna be sleeping till midnight or later. Just gotta make sure I get to bed by 1am or 2, that way I can at least get a reccomended 7 hours sleep, wake up at 9am tomorrow, then go to work at 10:30!
Wowzers! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::dizzy_face:


I’m thinking of bringing back my mission elimination tournament, since it’s been a long while since I ran the last one. (A few years I think, on the old forum even?) Would there be much interest in people in playing?

Honestly, I’m really tired, I’m stuck at home ill right now, just gives me something to do.


What is this? I haven’t been around that long, but it sounds interesting…


I’m in. (Somebody’s got to downvote all the C47 missions. :stuck_out_tongue:)


It’s a forum game, it has a proper name I’m sure, I nicked the idea from another forum I’m on. Basically, there would be 8 heats, 1 heat for each Hitman game. There would be a list of every mission from that game, each starting with, say, 20 points. Once a day, every user who wants to play can add 1 point to their favourite missions, and remove 2 points from their least favourite mission. So, for example, say we’re doing Hitman (2016). The starting list would look like this:

Freeform Training [20]
The Final Test [20]
The Showstopper [20]
Holiday Hoarders [20]
World of Tomorrow [20]
The Icon [20]
Landslide [20]
The Author [20]
A Gilded Cage [20]
A House Built on Sand [20]
Club 27 [20]
The Source [20]
Freedom Fighters [20]
The Vector [20]
Situs Inversus [20]
Patient Zero [20]

So say my favourite mission is World of Tomorrow, and least favourite mission is Club 27, I would copy paste the list, then add 1 for World of Tomorrow, minus 2 for Club 27, and put the number changes in bold. We play each day, missions hitting 0 points being eliminated. We would hit a set number, then move on to semi-finals and finals, where all the different game missions face off against each other.

Freeform Training [20]
The Final Test [20]
The Showstopper [20]
Holiday Hoarders [20]
World of Tomorrow [21] +1
The Icon [20]
Landslide [20]
The Author [20]
A Gilded Cage [20]
A House Built on Sand [20]
Club 27 [18] -2
The Source [20]
Freedom Fighters [20]
The Vector [20]
Situs Inversus [20]
Patient Zero [20]

Hope that makes sense.



Ohh okay, I think I get it, I’d join in with that :slight_smile:


oh no…
not this again…


The time has come for us all to pay our dues, Evil Genius.


Yeah, I think the time for it might have come… Last one was right after H3 released I think. It’s a shame (and disappointment) that the only addition to the roster we’ve had since then was Shadows in the Water. Was hoping for a bit more before we have another one of these :slightly_frowning_face: (unless IO have some really big surprise reveal for Y5 up their sleeve)


Imagine how much fun it will be now that we have @Heisenberg and company? I do miss arguing pointlessly, I miss Team Rangan and I miss backing the dark horse at every conceivable poll.


I’m confused at what’s being discussed, but intrigued by your suggestion that my inclusion would be significant.


The tournament returns…

@Heisenberg I think AK98 is saying is that you always bring an interesting perspective to whatever the conversation is about. I’m curious to see what Hitman missions are your favourite and least favourite.


While I appreciate the kind words, let’s not sugar-coat on my account. This - :point_down:

Translates to “big pain-in-the-ass,” and we all know it.


OK, maybe, but you are always enthusiastic and passionate. I imagine most famous philosophers and debaters were big pains in the ass too.


And various school curricula ensure that they still are…


While trying to cut a small piece of plastic, the exacto-knife I was using slipped and I cut my middle finger… It was a small cut, not very deep at all, and I had been using the knife for quite a while so it wasn’t that sharp. I did pinch the spot with my thumb, then rolled it back, still keeping pressure on it… I couldn’t even see a red line and started wondering if I just scratched myself with the blade… Then I started to see a red line appear. It seemed weird feeling it but not seeing it until several seconds later.

So I had a bottle of super glue gel in my small project/toolbox, twisted off the cap and squeezed some out, dabbing in along the cut. That was 8 or 9 hours ago and it’s still holding together. :hushed:

While I was holding the piece of plastic I was thinking both that “It’s gunna slip!” and “I’ll be careful.” Well, I wasn’t so careful. I’ll definitely try this again if I ever have such a slip-up.


Since I’m freezing my proverbial balls off in NY, and since this is still a disagreement with my loved one after many years, would you…

  • Rather be too cold?
  • Rather be too hot?
0 voters

I rather be to cold than to hot. It’s easier to raise your own temperature than to lower it.


You can always put on extra clothes againest the cold. You could strip down to your birthday suit and still not make much of a difference in the heat.