Best thing to do to break it (for me at least) is to just do it. So what if you don’t know how to draw it? Who’s going to look at it and see the imperfections? Nobody will. What matters is that these are your drawings, that you had fun drawing them, and you get it done, no matter how bad the results are it’s still something!
I’ve already got my heart and attention set on a specific one, but maybe once I’ve finished it…
Agreed with William that I really just need the discipline to glue myself to my chair, take out my tablet, and get it done.
(and regarding your previous edit)
Is this about artblock, too busy for free time or just not feeling it?
More of the latter two. But again, some of the “not feeling it” can be remedied by just doing it. Waiting for motivation is futile.
It’s that damn doubt holding me back, keeping me from “failing” at an idea
reminds me of this image i saw on twitter a few days ago.
If only we could
It all flowers and popsicles until a ’ makes you debug for a few hours.
heck, I guess I can show you guys what I’ve got so far, at least to hold myself accountable on my own work.
hooray, sketching and lining is scary and messy!
holy scrambled eggs batman, that second chicken is looking great as all hell
Thanks! I do think it’s nicely detailed already, so i cant wait to see what it looks like when I’ve finalized the lines.
I don’t know if it’s wiser to post it here or in general news.
But I can’t really help myself and think about @Count.Rushmore.
I don’t you if you are still in Odessa, how it is for you and everyone you know. Maybe it’s strangely ordinary and stressfully boring as things like that can be.
Just, I hope you are well.
You might want to keep discussion here on entertainment and out of your own self (in which case tell me, I would happily delete/edit). But you know, immediately…
In lighter discussion, as I scroll through the topic, glad to see a bunch of good news and great events in everyone life.
A whole multi venue tour (Quinn), nurse qualification (ILikeGAMEish), drawings and a certain kind of bird spotting (TheChicken), programing (Heisenberg), programing contest team (Hichkas), merchs and good taste in music (MrOchoa), cooking, boosters, covid and all the rest I’m not typing out but just read…
(also a lot of profile picture change, that’s a lot of visual memory and browsing habit to update)
Woke up with all my TVs on the news about the attacks.
For everyone from Ukraine, stay safe
Woke up in the middle of the night by a call from Ukraine, a close friend of my old man saying the attack has started. I’m scared from thousands of Kilometers away, can’t imagine how local citizens are feeling…
If it gets annoying, use C# instead
The solution seems obvious…
Aww chucks, you beat me to it:
If you haven’t checked out the Game “This War of Mine”, now is your chance to do so and do something good at the same time.
Some bad floods have been happening in Queensland which is where I live.
Today the rain is coming full force to Brisbane here, suburbs near me have been hit with flooded roads. Currently where I am it’s just heavy rain but that could change, and I live by the river which is known to flood.
I live on the second floor and don’t own a car so it’ll probably just be an inconvenience for me but it’s kind of scary.
Found an old theatre ticket in a coat pocket today. It’s dated January 31st, 2019. A whole 3 years ago.
Looks like a collectible from a post-apocalypse video game too. Wrinkled, warped, cracked all over.
Fitting for “The Before Times”
Can’t put my finger on why, but I’ve really had the urge to replay Crime & Punishment recently. I can’t stop repeatedly putting a Druzhina round smack bang in the centre of Vitaly Reznikov’s dome, it’s just so satisfying for some reason.
Ugly russian motherfucker piss piss pee pee boy
Played some Hitman for the first time in over a month today. Haven’t touched the game since mid January. Didn’t know what to do in Hitman, was kind of bored. So when I saw that we had a new ET (at least new for me, didn’t get a chance the first time), I decided to play. That was fun! Paris! And it was surprisingly easy, made it SASO.
Next on my list were a few featured contracts I missed. Also pretty great to play, not that hard. And then I tried the Elusive Target Arcade. I love this concept! I was playing very slow, always trying to avoid mistakes. Finished first three. Failed the first on the second batch. Now I have to wait. I guess I don’t really like the complications, but at least I get a chance to play a few more ET.
Will be back tomorrow! Guess I found my love for Hitman again!
Do you post samples of your music on the forum?