What was your last purchase? 2.0

The be and end all of lifting straps. Versa gripp pro. They are pricy, but they will last for many years to come. Bought a similar style short strap yearly this year, they function. But the grip is a bit to lose and soft, making them a bit fiddly to strap with one hand.

These were also the ones I wanted originally, but they are rarely on stock and when they are they get sold out fast. I only found 1-3 sites that sells them in the EU and either they are out of stock or cost 25-30% more plus shipping. Buying them directly for the US, the shipping alone is more then the items itself.

While in London I stumbled across the a store selling physical media, called Fopp. Three story store with vinly, books and film. So I bought two 4k Films.

I own them both on Blu-ray, but I’m currently switching out standard Blu-rays with 4k Releases.


Always looking to add another pair of Ray-Bans to my collection.

This time it’s the retro Cats 5000 in a smokey grey transparent frame and blue lenses.


RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Deluxe Edition is really good value :grin:



I want to get off Mr. Bone’s Wild Ride :skull:

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I went to a comics store here in Halifax yesterday just to browse, then I went again today to finish browsing and picked up a few things!

She Hulk collection, Squirrel Girl because I’ve heard its cute, and a compilation of that one gay couple in the Sonic comics, (since they only had a few misc. compilations of issues, and not like Vol. 1 of the actual series) also because I need to know more about @Silvereyes’s cool profile picture haha

Ooh yeah and a Luna figure from Sailor Moon, a free coaster, and an Oxenfree Sticker!! (Saw it lying around just as I was leaving after having bought stuff, went back and bought it for a dollar!)

VERY happy with this She Hulk collection purchase. It’s the “new” run of comics from the 80s made by John Byrne who gave her the 4th-wall break superpower and set it in a comedy which was unique for the time.
This isn’t being printed anymore and you either can’t find it in stock anymore online, or being sold for WILD prices. But I paid the retail price of 50$ CAD on the back of the book!


Also pretty funny, it is written by Ryan North of Dinosaur Comics fame.

God bless the retailers who sell based on the marked price and not the speculative or fixed-market one. There is a special place in hell for people who sell reprints at speculative prices though, they get sent straight there.

Yeah, shame he is such a huge fucking prick though.


I hope you enjoy it, the Tangle and Whisper mini-series is a nice introduction to the pair of characters. If you decide you want some more context or want to read more IDW Sonic comics, hit me up. Most of the series is available in those soft cover collections which usually contain around 4 issues. IDW are also releasing lovely hardcover compilations, which usually contain around 12-16 issues but are a bit more behind and a bit more expensive.

Tangle and Whisper being lesbians is something that is more or less true. Ian Flynn basically outright said on his Twitter that him and all the other IDW writers want to make it happen, but because all of IDW Sonic has to be run past Sonic Team in Japan, they haven’t let it happen. Whether or not they will be persuaded to allow it officially and firmly, we’ll see. Otherwise, it’s just very much implied, particularly when in issue #61 (I think) an artist decided to put a pride flag behind the two in a panel.



On brighter news, I got Sam Fisher as a reminder that I still gotta play Pandora Tomorrow to confirm what @Rimland asked me among other things.




Some more t-shirts…


I saw Baby Metal live last year, they were really great.


Now I’m really jelly lol.

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A nice gift my dad got me on their way back from vacation recently. Stopped by a pop-culture store and decided to get me these!


Wanted to get one of these for some time now since I’ve been blowing out dust from my PCs the ol’ Flintstones way using my lungs but we’re doing some renovation to our apartment now and everything is pretty much covered in dust :grin:


Bought two of my favourite films in 4K

Sadly Aliens cover is quite awful.

I’m still hoping for a 4K box set with Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection, just like the awesome Blu-Ray set.

Probably never get rid of that version


Today I had a really cool find at a rummage sale: An authentic 1985 Nintendo Game & Watch with its box, Styrofoam and manual! And it still works great! And I got it for only a dollar!

Adjusted for inflation, its $32 price tag equals $93.54 today, imagine paying that much for a simple handheld Blackjack game, boy has the gaming industry evolved in 39 years!


Ironically at a 90 dollar price tag you can buy three copies of the most current Blackjack game, Dungeons and Degenerate Gamblers, around three or four times for the same amount of money.


Omg a prehistoric DS! :exploding_head: :t_rex:


I got a snow cone and slushy machine when shopping yesterday. It’s been in the 90’s the last few and coming days so I was tempted. I tried it last night and it was absolutely worth it.