Got these hidden gems for the 360. Doubt many of you played or even heard of these games before
Hitman is a bit like star wars to me where the original Trilogy is just so amazing that everything that came after is kinda meh.
Art Book Edition is better.
I agree, sadly that was only for the US release which I never saw pop up for sale over here in all these years
If you wanted to feel an extra chaotic you should of gotten the one in the Xbox One Case
I pre-ordered the physical version of Baldur’s Gate 3.
It was more expensive than I expected (oof USA money) but heck it, worth it. I hope. (I’m sure.)
Will ship sometime in Q1 2024.
Made myself a few Christmas presents
Also bought a new phone for my dad, again…
He either drops it way too many times and it breaks or he simply gets angry or something and smashes it on the ground; unga bunga
If he smashes this one too, I’ll tie two cans with a string for him to speak through.
We found a copy of the first Dragon Warrior (Quest) Monsters for Gameboy at a retro game store. So we had to get it.
The Mandalorian season 1 4K blu-ray
I prefer physical media and if I can help boost the sales, so this option will exist, I’ll happily buy physical media.
I plan to buy season 2 later next month and the creators when it’s released.
I didn’t even know they had Mandalorian on blu-ray. I thought they forced all those shows to be only on Disney+.
To my knowledge at the moment the only Disney + shows on blu ray are Loki season 1 the mandalorion seasons 1 and 2 and wandavision I’m assuming they might make more depending on how much money these make
At the moment only season 1 of the Mandalorian and Loki are out. Mandalorian season 2 is released mid January. Andor should also release this year, but I have yet to confirm that.
If I can end up owning all Star Wars media physically, I won’t need Disney+. I want to rid myself of streaming services. Unless they create the Spotify of films and tv-shows, then I’ll just stick to select films and shows.
Something actually worth getting from Disney.
Bought some new Preworkout, for the days where the energy is low and I need something extra.
This brand was once illegal, due the old formula contained DMAA. Which at one point was a legal stimulant, DMAA has similar effects to cocain and meth. Users began experiencing high blood pressure and having heart attacks. Jack3d was at a point the strongest preworkout supplement available. The FDA banned the product with good reason and which led to a safer version, but still potent.
Series 25 of the Lego mini figures blind bags I would put my pictures of these here but I’m bad at taking photos of Lego and it’s much easier to just poorly circle the seven I have my favourite is the noir detective so I’m glad I only have duplicates of him so far
My apathy for new Doctor Who has reached an all time high. Really need to get around to watching the 15th Doctor’s first special but good lord, I was just not impressed atall with the Tennant specials. I like the first RTD era of Series 1-4, but it’s not my ideal Doctor Who. And after speculation and promises that RTD taking over the show wouldn’t be more of the same but that this would be a totally different, new RTD… it just felt like more of the same, just with the sensibilities of the early 2020’s rather than the late 2000’s. Still need to watch The Church on Ruby Road, but it’s hard to when I know I’m probably going not to going to like it.
It is a horrible mindset to have honestly, to feel both apathetic and negative about something you used to love. The Whittaker Chibnall era was so dull and boring, and now this next era risks feeling like a bunch of safe heated up leftovers. “The Tennant era was popular, lets just do that, but again!”
At the very least though, fans of the classic era (1963-1989 and the 1996 TV movie) have been well fed. Between so many of the actors doing tons of audio stories for Big Finish, missing Hartnell and Troughton stories are being brought to life through animation, and we’re now getting these fancy Collection re-releases of seasons which bring the video quality to there highest yet whilst packed with tons of bonus features.
It’s funny actually, I talked to @TheChicken yesterday about old Doctor Who. He’s currently watching through New Who and, well, as a contentious fan, I felt the need to try and persuade him to the classic side. Really though, in reflection, I did a bad job at selling what makes Classic Who special. And honestly? I’m not quite sure myself. It’s certainly a slower show, most of Classic Who aired as 25 minutes, with stories often being 4-6 episodes long, with some even being longer than that, compared to New Who sticking to a more slick 45 episode format. New Who has clearly more money to spend, nothing compared to the likes of American TV but Classic Who’s basic sets, monster design, and sometimes ill-advised usage of CSO (the precursor to green screen, and looks much rougher and far more obvious, especially around the actor’s edges.) Not to mention the show until 1970 was aired in black and white.
And yet, there is so much charm I find, in the physical effects, the monster outfits, the scripts. You may not have the Whedon-esque one liners but there is still often great charm and humour in the writing. The Doctor wasn’t a lonely God or the precursor to the Time Lords or regeneration being a borderline superpower. The Doctor was just a man, a very smart man and often weird man, but still, someone that could be relatable, and was often reigned in by their companion, not someone elevated above us mere humans. Stories that wern’t afraid to have horror or the engage in some weirdness or to perhaps engage in more harder sci-fi ideas.
I don’t know, I’m rambling. I think there is a magic in old Who that I just do not see much of in New Who, especially with RTD back. I guess that’s the curse of being a fan of something most of your life and the direction the show goes in a way that you think is rubbish, it’s hard not to feel somewhat bitter.
But hey, Doctor Who has gotten through many producers, actors, writers, and eras. The show in terms of ratings and finances seems to be doing well, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if New Who’s run from 2005 actually beats that 26 year long run Classic Who enjoyed. They’ll be someone after RTD and hopefully I’ll enjoy that more.
On an odd note, I want to leave with this clip. It’s from 1964, Doctor Who’s second season, The Dalek Invasion of Earth, and has the very first companion exit. The Doctor decides to leave his grand daughter, Susan, on Earth, believing she will be happier their than having to care for him and constantly travel. I genuinely believe that this speech from the first Doctor, William Hartnell, is more poignant, and much sadder than any of the overly bombastic “emotional” Doctor and companion exits the new series ever had. Perhaps I’m just being strange, but this scene still hits me, and to me, and I hope to perhaps others, show that the old show absolutely is worth your time.
Not sure why I’m feeling so sad today. I’m tired of how cold and dark it is outside.
There’s just stuff that doesn’t stick imo after experiencing the bi-generation and just everything that happened in the specials. Some very on the nose stuff and then some stuff that messes with canon. All I know is RTD as the showrunner is just a mixed bag.
Bi Generation hurts my brain just thinking about it cause it messes with the Doctor as a character and just the whole nugget of information that is when 14/15 bi-generated all previous Doctors Bi-generated aswell.
I also don’t like the who “clean slate” with 15 since the most compelling thing about Doctor Who is those previous generations and how that impacts the Doctor for better or worse.
There’s just some stuff about current Who I don’t enjoy, but I’ll just shelf it with all the stuff I don’t like, such as the Timeless Child.