What was Lucas Grey’s plan for the militia if he won?

So, something I’ve been pondering lately as I’ve replayed parts of the main game and really examined the whole “evil vs evil” nature of the Shadow Client vs Providence war. If we really look at the situation, although the game sets things up for us to see Providence as the greater evil, when looking at Grey’s militia, it’s really hard to view them in any better light. And it has me thinking on what Grey’s character, as portrayed in the games, tells us about this situation.

Everything we see of Grey and hear from his subordinates indicates that, like 47 and Diana, he despises people who think they can do what they want with their wealth and power without accountability, and he wants to avoid innocent casualties whenever possible. On the other hand, he’s also willing to compromise his principles on a short-term basis if it is necessary to succeed in an endeavor that is more important than his personal discomfort in his actions. We also know that every move Grey makes against Providence has a primary purpose, a secondary purpose, and at least one bonus.

For example, leaking the location of Jordan Cross to the Highmoores in order to lure out Thomas Cross served the primary purpose of securing the militia billions of dollars in necessary funding for their operation; the secondary purpose of taking a major Providence asset off the board; and ended up having not one, not two, not three, but four bonus outcomes as well: Jordan Cross was not available to inherent his father’s empire and so could not take his place within Providence; Jordan was punished for getting away with Hannah’s death even though it had been unintentional; Ken Morgan was present as well and so included in the contract, thereby removing a major corrupting force from the justice system; and Morgan turned out to be a reasonably important Providence asset himself, now no longer representing their interests. Grey carefully made his moves so that he not only avoided casualties, but actually achieved a net improvement in the state of the world.

With all that in mind, Grey still enlisted and allied himself with terrorists, assassins, mercenaries, murderers, torturers, spies, hackers, pirates and drug cartels. While one could argue that the classist, capitalist system of the world that Providence tried to keep in place and expand is responsible for the conditions that led to all of these people taking these paths in a theoretical sense, with the exception of Penelope Graves, these were all very violent, sociopathic, despicable people who were causing just as many problems for the average, decent people of the world as Providence was. It was a sort of chaotic evil against lawful evil, with Grey choosing to ally with these people because, as he said to Diana, sometimes even monsters serve a purpose. Grey needed to use these people because they were the only force with enough muscle to fight back against a foe as all-encompassing as Providence.

This brings me to my main question: what was Grey planning to do with the militia if they had won? A good quarter of the main campaign is 47 taking out Grey’s forces, including his top people, and he’s still killing bad guys each time; no matter if it’s a militia or a Providence target, every mission results in 47 making the world slightly better and slightly safer than it was before. And yet, despite the fact that Grey can feel emotions where 47 can’t, Grey never displays any sadness or regret over his people getting killed off. He expresses some mild annoyance at the fact that it’s setting back his operation a bit, but he also acts like he expected it to happen, which I think he did. He probably expected ICA to eventually retaliate and start taking out his militia. Considering that these people also think they’re untouchable and are ok with taking innocent lives at will (Rose, Reynard, Delgado, Kale, Crest), he should have despised them as much as Providence. Since he only showed any affection for Olivia, I think he did.

This leads me to believe that if Grey had succeeded in destroying Providence without getting 47 and Diana on his side to do so, Grey would have taken them out himself, or just sat back and let ICA have them. Grey seems to have chosen the people he did, not just for their skills, not just for their power, but because they were awful enough people on their own, he’d have no compunctions setting them up to get slaughtered as casualties of the war, or to finish cleaning up the criminal underworld once the war was over by eliminating them too.

Despite being closer to a “good guy” than 47, do you think Grey was ruthless enough to deliberately recruit soldiers that he knew he could wipe out once he didn’t need them anymore? Was he insidious enough to have the militia’s destruction be his secondary goal by pitting them against Providence and ICA, so that no matter who won which battles, the normal people just trying to live their lives free of fear or oppression would ultimately be the winners? It certainly fits his style of tactical approach. What do our Lucas Grey fans think? How about you, @Mini?


Oh what an exiting question :heart_eyes:

Exactly! I think the important thing to realise in advance is that this is not about a heroic battle of “good vs. evil”. Grey’s ulterior motives may be noble, but his methods are not.

I think Grey has a kind of moral code. But his main goal is to destroy Providence. And if we look at what he takes on to achieve this (he founds a terrorist organisation, he allies himself with the most evil of the most evil, he accepts collateral damage), we can no longer just talk about a pact that he wants to fulfil. Grey is almost pathologically obsessed with waging this war. And he is willing to put all his moral values on the back burner when it comes to winning this war. For him, the goal is above all else.

Here I think wehave to remember that a lot of it is him. The way he kills Cobb? That was brutal. He doesn’t shy away from torture either; he would have used it on Janus if he hadn’t been trained to resist it.

I think the question is whether there is a “win” at all. Suppose Grey hadn’t shot himself in the head (he’s in a coma, too bad) and the partners had been killed in the end, as well as the constant, would that have changed anything? Providence is such a big web of influential people, would it really have ended with the death of the partners? 47 says himself at the end, there will always be people like them. Maybe under a different name, but I think successors were already waiting in the wings. Providence has enough allies. And before Grey brought 47 on board, he had already killed or had some of Providence’s operatives killed with the help of his militia. We saw with the Washington twins that Providence has replacements ready for the deceased, so why not for the partners too? I don’t think Grey could really win this war. Or at least not end it.

I do think that his militia was close to his heart, as strange as that sounds. On Ambrose, he says that he knows he didn’t choose all his allies based on sympathy, but that not all of them are assholes like Noel Crest. Some are “good people” who want the same things he does. I think the main characters like Crest, Reynards or Rose were the necessary evil he needed to achieve his goals. As I said above, he sometimes forgoes his moral code when it comes to kicking Providence’s ass.

For some people in his militia, he probably didn’t care that they were killed. Reynards or Rose, for example. All in all, though, I think he really appreciated his militia and didn’t hand them over to the ICA because that would get more bad people out of the way. He mainly needed 47 to get to the Constant and thus the partners. I don’t think he necessarily had it in his plan that Diana and 47 would work for the Constant and get his militia out of the way. He was apparently a strict but fair boss too, judging by the way his former members speak of him on Ambrose. He may have put some of them under the knife, but he probably wanted to keep his militia. That’s why he didn’t really disband them, but left them in Crest’s hands until further instructions. Theoretically, it was still there after Whitteleton Creek.


Now this is an interesting take that I’d never considered before. The way the story turned out, it seemed to me that Providence had been so arrogant and sure of its own invincibility and anonymity that they had never considered what would happen if anyone had ever gotten as far as Grey had, and that if Grey had succeeded in killing the Partners, the Constant, and most of the Heralds and other top operatives, the whole organization would fracture, and each asset would continue on solely as its own corporate entity as it already appeared to do to the outside world. The fact that things only started unraveling on Grey’s side after Edward’s escaped and he was able to turn it around for a while seems to imply that Providence would have been a mere shell without the Partners or the Constant.

However, you may be right that Grey was only focused on punishing the current leadership of Providence and not really giving thought to how the rest of the organization could shift its leadership and carry on even without them. His singular focus on the Partners and dismissive attitude towards Edwards’ escape implies he may not be taking the rest of the organization as a serious threat otherwise.

So then, I guess a side question to my original one would be, did Grey plan to make his militia permanent in the event that a victory over Providence would be impossible during his lifetime? Would he arrange it so that a version of his group would exist as long as some version of Providence existed, dedicated solely to killing off the organization’s leadership and assets at any opportunity until final victory in a war of attrition? If so, this would effectively create a situation like Assassin’s Creed, with the Assassins and the Templars being represented by the militia and Providence, respectively, with either side using ICA on occasion as an additional weapon. Its possible Grey may have had a long term plan of this sort, but given what we see and 47’s comments on him not thinking that far ahead, I think he was aiming more toward a quick victory with the deaths of the Partners.


Yes, I don’t think Grey had such a long-term plan in mind. He’s so obsessed with finding the partners because he thinks it will all end with them. With such a big power organisation, that’s actually very naive thinking.

Maybe that’s why he underestimated the constant so much. Edwards just wasn’t important enough in Grey’s eyes.

And that’s also what makes Grey and 47 so different and why 47 is better in the end, even though they both have the same abilities. Grey is simply guided by his feelings and what he has experienced, while 47 has a professional tunnel vision that only has the goal in mind and completely blocks out emotions. I think that’s actually a nice dynamic for their two different characters. They have the same abilities, but they use them differently. One more reason why I’m so sorry that Grey is gone. Is he, IOI?


I think that’s why Ort-Meyer originally sent the two on missions together, because as a two-man team, they ensured results every time, with 6 arranging the set-up, and 47 taking care of the actual hit.


Yes! Both have brains and muscles, but they use them differently. That doesn’t mean that Grey isn’t a fantastic strategist. He’s kept the ICA on the ropes long enough to prove that. He’s just too emotionally orientated to think things through.


Grey is more effective as a terrorist or a general mercenary than a surgically precise assassin like 47. I suppose that’s why he felt it easier to make an army out of people who function the same way.

Meanwhile, 47 seems to have unconsciously taken what he learned from 6’s tactics when they were younger and applied it to his own methods in being able to arrange his unique kills.


Yes, but Grey can do it like 47, too. The way he killed Kamarov was probably a Silent Assassin kill :grin:

It’s interesting that Grey’s war against Providence was basically unwinnable for him. Grey and 47 spent two-and-a-half ganes disrupting Providence plans and killing dozens of its members, including their three leaders, and yet in Mendoza you find out that Providence has barely been affected- Edwards has taken the Partner’s power and all Providence CEOs who were assassinated by 47 have simply been replaced. The group remains fully operational and are planning more ambitious projects.

The only way to destroy Providence was from the inside, as Diana proved. If Grey hadn’t offed himself, he would have distrusted Diana’s plan to become a Herald and would have probably killed her before she could take control of Providence. Then he and 47 would be stuck in their unwinnable war.


Just my two cents here but Grey knew he was fighting an uphill battle from the start and there’s no way in hell that everone was going to survive, so the militia was always intended to be sacrificial pawns IMO.


Is it though? I mean, for the moment, yes. But I think it’s not hard for such a powerful organisation to start anew, maybe under a different name. Maybe like @Heisenberg said; like the templars, infiltrating politics and other powerful organisations all over the world.

Yes, for the moment everyone knows about Providence, but I doubt that this would keep them from continuing.

Just like Diana and 47 continue with their job. Maybe not calling it ICA anymore (unfortunately), but what they do remains the same.

True. It does bring two good questions to mind, however: everything we heard about that assassination during The Showstopper implies that what Grey did was considered borderline impossible, suggesting that Grey took his cue from 47 and that only an Ort-Meyer clone could have pulled it off. With that in mind, and the fact that both Grey and 47 have admitted that 47 is so much better as a killer than Grey that it’s not even close, it makes me wonder, if that’s how good Grey could perform a hit, how much better would 47 have been able to take care of Kamarov? And how much better could we make 47 be at the job if we weren’t constrained by gameplay limitations? Is 47 canonically better than even we are capable of making him be?

If that had happened, especially with 47 having remembered what he did to Diana’s parents, I’m pretty sure Grey could have said goodbye to having any close relationship with 47 once it was over. They might still work together, but whatever bond he was hoping to reclaim would likely have been dashed. At the very least, 47 may have chosen to retaliate by killing Olivia, under the pretense that she knew too much about the two of them and might use her talents against them one day if they no longer had a common enemy.

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Maybe he can do a “Super Silent Assassin” instead :sweat_smile: But yeah, I guess because of gameplay limitations we can’t do what 47 or Grey are really capable of. We know that Grey killed Kamarov and made it look like a suicide. I am sure 47 can do such things, too. But it would require more manipulation of the environment, which we can’t do in the games. The most we can do are accidents, but I am sure, canonically 47 is capable of much more!

Had to think again about this one. I don’t think that Grey would have killed her, even if he would have survived. Even though he started distrusting her in Hitman 3 for some reasons, I am sure he trusted 47. And as long as 47 trusted Diana, no matter what she was doing, it would have been okay for Grey.

The hallucination or dream or whatever it was of Grey was what brought 47 back to lucidity after the supposed betrayal by Diana. 47 seems to somehow connect this rationality with his brother. So I think Grey may not have had Diana’s back, but he had his brother’s and as long as 47’s feeling was good, it was right for him.

Also, before Hitman 3, there was no indication that Grey didn’t trust Diana. I think maybe he just didn’t like her in some ways. They had some kind of love-hate relationship :sweat_smile:

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Go ahead and think about it right now

I’m honored that your first post on this forum was in reply to one of my topics. And in agreement! You’re off to a good start :wink:. Welcome.

Well, quoting the entire post was…

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Hey, it takes some of us a while to get the hang of things.


This reminds me of the dialogue in H2016 car cutscene:

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