Well Suicide Kill the Justice League is done! Actually, it’s nowhere near being “done” but I’ve completed the main story. Apologies if this post is super long, I have a lot to say. I’ll try to mark spoilers as best as I can.
Do I recommend the game? Yes, especially if you’re a fan of looter shooters, love the Suicide Squad, enjoy playing games with a group of friends, or just like DC stuff. Difficulty-wise it was pretty solid. I played on Normal, and although I did fail a few missions I was able to do everything by the second try. Impressive considering I don’t have much shooter experience. I don’t agree with the notion that the campaign’s too short, I thought there was a decent amount of both main and side missions to do, and plenty more have just opened up now that I’m in the endgame. Plus there’s gonna be a shitload of stuff added down the road in the post-launch.
My favorite aspect of the game as a solo player is the squad dynamic. Deadshot’s Level 17, King Shark’s Level 15, Captain Boomerang is Level 15, and Harley Quinn’s Level 12. It’s really fun switching between characters and changing things up each mission. Gameplay-wise Harley’s my least favorite. I just don’t like her traversal that much, she uses the Batclaw to climb buildings but I wish she was able to get the Grapnel Boost to send her flying at high speeds.
The overworld of Metropolis is pretty great! It’s fun to traverse, and you can move around the city pretty fast. I love how right off the bat the game makes it clear how FUBAR the situation is, and as the story progresses Metropolis becomes more and more of a mess filled with destruction caused by Brainiac. I can’t wait to see how even more messed up the city gets in the post-launch as all the Elseworlds begin merging into the main universe! Also, I love how smooth the performance of the game was, there were basically no frame drops even with a ton of enemies on screen at once.
I loved Brainiac in this game! He’s voiced by General Reza Zaydan himself, Jason Isaacs and I thought his performance was great. His character design is also really solid, and it seems like we’ll see a lot more of him in the post-launch. All the character designs, animations, and voice work were pretty great in the game!
One thing that really disappointed me was the Riddler collectibles, and this comes from a huge fan of the Riddler stuff in the other games. The navigational challenges are pretty fun and test your mastery of each character’s abilities, plus they unlock a good amount of free cosmetics for the squad. The Riddler trophies, however, were a huge step down. All 40 of them are out in the open with no real puzzle attached (unless you count needing to shoot some of them down a puzzle). It’s a shame cause they could have made interesting puzzles where you need to work together with multiple squad members to figure them out. Also, scanning the riddles doesn’t unlock any lore stories like in City and Knight, just concept art and character bios/models for people, enemies and vehicles. As far as I know, there isn’t any way to have all the trophies and riddles marked on the map like the other games. If you have line-of-sight to a trophy, even from a long distance away, it will get marked on the map for you. However, several of the trophies are hidden in areas you aren’t likely to visit, and with how big the city is it’s tough to actually find them all by yourself (but I managed to!).
Outside of the Mr. Freeze fight in City, the bosses in the Rocksteady Arkham games all range from okay to bad. I had hoped that since there’s a bigger emphasis on bosses in this game (I mean, you’re fighting members of the Justice League!) they would be higher quality, but sadly they were still pretty meh. Green Lantern was my favorite and actually pretty fun, Flash was okay, but the other three bosses were a real let-down. Batman was very repetitive, Superman was very simple for a fight against the Man of Steel (and the easiest fight in the game to me), and Brainiac was a reused version of the Flash’s boss fight. I know: the other Arkham games had reused bosses that slightly change things up for the second time, but you would think they could have come up with something better for Brainiac.
Now for the elephant in the room: Batman’s role in the game. One criticism I’ve seen is that it’s disrespectful to Kevin Conroy. That’s wrong, they had no idea it would be Kevin’s final role, if Kevin didn’t want to do the game he wouldn’t have, and they put a nice tribute to him in the game. What I think the game is, however, is disrespectful to Arkhamverse Batman. I get it, the Suicide Squad wouldn’t have any reverence for Batman, but the way he was easily taken out was very poorly done imo. The same Batman who overcame Scarecrow’s Fear Toxin and used it against him multiple times couldn’t foresee the possibility that his own version of Fear Toxin could be overcome and used against him? The Fear Toxin section was okay, but I thought the segment at the end of Arkham Knight was a lot better. The Batman who was so strong he could take on an entire small army, lock up most of the major supervillains, and overcome Joker taking over his mind in a single night decided to just stand in one place and let the Squad constantly shoot at him with barely any proper attacks to them?
Outside of Batman, I did enjoy the story quite a bit and it was nice seeing the squad grow as a unit and hearing all their banter on the way to missions. The big question is “Do you actually kill the Justice League?” The answer: Yes, at least seemingly so for now. It surprised me that they didn’t resurrect them by the ending. I still doubt they will remain dead forever since if they want to continue the Arkhamverse not having the Justice League around really limits the stories they could do. There were some hints that they aren’t really dead. Flash had his finger cut off but then it was intact when he showed up evil. Was it just Brainiac regrowing it? Maybe. Green Lantern’s ring didn’t fly away like it should have when he died. Brainiac also retrieved their bodies for some reason. Was it just so he could still use their powers to infuse his enemies? Or was it so people wouldn’t realize that they’re just clones of the real Justice League who are still trapped on the Skull ship?
Here’s my thoughts on what’s to come in the post-launch (spoilers for the ending): So at the end of the game, it’s revealed that there are 13 Brainiacs in existence across universes. We kill one in the story, leaving 12. That implies to me that each Season of post-launch content we go after one (with hopefully different boss fights for each), and they’re hoping for three years’ worth of post-launch content. Will they get those three years? I honestly don’t know, but I hope so! With how good the cutscenes are, I hope there’s like a whole chapter’s worth of story added each season so we have enough time to really get a feel for the new characters. They’ve said you can use the post-launch characters in the main story too, but I wonder if they’ll have any dialogue based around story events or if they’ll just be mostly silent the whole time. The characters I’d like to see added the most are Deathstroke (from the Arkhamverse), Black Manta (can be either Elseworlds or Arkhamverse), and Riddler (an Elseworlds version but still voiced by Wally Wingert).
I’m curious to see how different the post-launch boss fights will be. They announced Green Lantern and Superman fights for Season 1, I assume they’ll be largely the same as the main game fights, maybe with a few modifiers. I wonder if they’re clones or Elseworlds versions of the heroes. If they’re Elseworlds versions, I’d hope that every few seasons they have us face a totally new superhero since surely alternate Justice Leagues would have had different members. There’s a ton of potential for superheroes to face: Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Zatanna, Supergirl, a version of Wonder Woman who actually got corrupted, Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern, Thomas Wayne’s Batman.
I wonder what they will do regarding Batman given Kevin’s death. I doubt he was able to do any voice work for post-launch stuff, unless they really recorded things in advance. If they’re wanting to do more with Arkhamverse Batman, I’m honestly fine with them just recasting his voice. Same if we face an Elseworlds version of Batman. However, the Batman fight in the main game doesn’t really feel like it would work repeated over and over again like the other fights.
Finally, I hope they can improve the Riddler stuff in the post-launch! I’m sure I’ll share my thoughts on the endgame when I have a chance to as well.