What QoL Improvements would you like?

Totally flagged your post, yeah greatest achievement of my life

Hmm this got flagged :thinking:

I would like to be able to cycle through guns/weapons without having to open my inventory that’s full of trash every time… it feels so slow.


I understand that the shortcuts are there to stay, but I would like them, and the doors especially, to get a visual style that fits the maps better, or to have them disappear altogether once they’ve been opened, and just have the open space where there once was a door.

I guess there are gameplay reasons to give them those arcade-y green and yellow colours to make them easily identifiable, but I would like it if, especially once they served their use, these eyesores disappear from the map or get a different look. Even when they’re closed I’d actually prefer something more elegant.


HMBM47 made a mod just for this, and once more I cry that I’m not on PC :smile:

Completely agree with what you’ve said tho. I’m not a fan either


Replies with wall of text :man_facepalming:


The fact a mod came out so quickly for this should mean this could be an easy fix for IO to carry out as well. I hope they bring this improvement to consoles! Doors are looking good too!


Or at least don’t make them so obvious. Looks fugly and ruins the levels’ aesthetic.


Not sure if it’s been mentioned or not, but when an NPC opens a door, it’s random whether the door opens inwardly or outwardly. You can get them to repeat it over and over and see random results. This is a problem when you’re hiding behind a door and using the fact that it ‘should’ open towards you as they come through it, so the open door itself shields you from view. But inexplicably, it sometimes just opens towards the NPC as they pass through. Huge difference - now the NPC will see you from his corner of vision as he walks past you.

I’d like this to change so that the door always opens AWAY from the NPC.

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That is not random at all tbh


I forgot how much I hated this but boy do I hate it when you’re throwing an item like a flash grenade and it just locks on to the NPC’s head and knocks them out.

Also it’s weird the permanent shortcuts are locked up again in contract creation. When I do a contract in Berlin I have to run around the club and also find a longer entrance into the the biker area. Feels weird.


I think it’s so you have to make contracts in a way such that people who haven’t unlocked the shortcuts can still play it enjoyably. But that’s awful logic coz the assumption should be that anyone playing contracts mode should have already played the main game enough to have unlocked shortcuts. Yeah… is just dumb


How does it work then? I’ve had the NPC come through the same door and it sometimes opens one way, sometimes another

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Are you standing close to the door? Because doors often won’t open out onto you, it’s a design feature, not random


Speaking of doors, I understand that after 5 seconds they close automatically but there should be a one grace second so that I can enter the room without the door closing on my face as soon I leave the wall cover.


The new system that automatically saves the last used items seems very inconvenient and annoying to me.

Previously, I could save the settings for each level. Now I have to restart the levels with the equipment I need, just so that the game will save it for future runs.
Elusive targets, escalations, contracts. Changing the default loadout in these modes will also change them in story mode, and vice versa. What then is the meaning of this system?

I understand that this feature was not obvious in Hitman 2. But did someone ask to change it?


A small but important QoL improvement that I’d like is for the Prologue section to take you through to Paris/The Showstopper when playing through the Campaigns menu. If you play the stories of H1/H2/H3 from the Campaigns menu then finishing Hokkaido will allow you to navigate straight to Hawke’s Bay, and finishing Haven Island will allow you to navigate straight to Dubai.

As things stand, if you play the Prologue in Campaigns then once you have finished The Final Test and played the Call Me 47 cinematic, the game dumps you out to the Main Menu rather than giving you the chance to go straight to Paris. Takes me out of the moment a bit when trying to play a single complete roleplaying run of the entire trilogy’s campaign. :slightly_frowning_face:


This problem also exists at Patient Zero. After completing each level, you must return to the main menu.


I guess for the Prologue it might be due to the fact that not everyone will own the H1/H2 Access Passes in H3 when finishing the Prologue, but I’d still like to see IOI find a workaround for it. Either taking you to a The Showstopper: Get Access page for people who don’t own the H1 Access Pack, or taking those people straight to Hawke’s Bay/Dubai if H1/H2 Access Packs aren’t detected as owned by their account. And then straight through to Paris for those of us who do own the H1 Access Pack, to give the required story flow.

And yeah, you’re right about Patient Zero, there isn’t even the issue with people owning the content when they finish the first mission: they either own all 4 missions or they don’t, so there’s no reason at all to send you back to the Main Menu and not offer the choice to play the next mission.

Sending you my respectful plea, IOI folks… :slightly_smiling_face:


It bothers the hell out of me too. It looks very unnatural at the start of Dubai to have that shortcut door wide open as if somebody just broke into.

The ideal would be that once unlocked, replace those shortcut doors with regular doors that you can open and close just like any other doors in the levels.

It’s so awkward in Berlin to have that open door on the side of the club. Maybe even have those unlocked shortcut doors needing a lock pick on replays.


Alright homie, I’m just a little peeved off by it. I’m gonna hit ignore on the thread for a while and come back later.