In dartmoore Alex does not go down the stairs at 30-45 sec she just stays at the top floor is their something I need to do? I’m on Xbox one of that helps.
She’s old. Sometimes she forgets her route.
Are you joking or not. I’ve tried everything thing. If anyone knows how to fix this please tell me
I have never enountered a bug like this.
Do you play regular mission or some contract or whatever?
Usually, a guaranteed way to get her to come down to first floor is to ring the bell for a family meeting.
Have you solved the mystery and told her that Emma was the killer? If so, she won’t come downstairs to avoid encountering her. If you mean she isn’t coming downstairs at all, such as to meet the private detective, that’s a whole other issue that I can’t help you with.
I didn’t see that the repeated spots were different (mastery 8 and 19) I dumb sorry for wasting your time.
Does anyone know what this thread is about!?
Yeah, if you use the fast-forward start then Alexa immediately walks downstairs, if you use the regular start then she doesn’t.
OP didn’t realise that the 2 starts were different.