Visibility of withdrawen posts

@wincenworks @Urben
I found a bug (not sure if it’s a bug). If you delete a post, it’ll still be visible for others if you press on edit logo on top right of the post. When I delete a post, I regret that word of mine, and clearly I don’t want others to see it.

Is it a bug anyway? Or it’s supposed to be there?

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That naturally happens to all posts if one has clicked the delete button on their post. It will still be visible from the edit logo for 24 hours, at that point it will be properly gone forever.


Thanks for your explanation.


The 24-hour retention period is to allow for the flagging of troll posts. One irritating issue for me is that deleting DMs seems to count towards your deletion quota within a given period. So far I’ve only used it when messaging @discobot though.

What forbidden chats did you two had? :smirk:


I was just spamming it with messages to try and get the user tutorials to work. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Of course… I believe you. :upside_down_face:

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Could you explain more?

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@discobot display help

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Found that out actually. Thanks anyway!

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Hmm, doesn’t seem to be working. I haven’t been able to get it to work at all, but others seem to have had more success. The commands I know of are:

display help
start new user
start advanced user
roll 2d6

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I’m having a good time actually.

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