Unpopular opinions about Hitman

Keyword being underappreciated. I never see this mentioned anywhere else, or mentioned at all. And besides the aforementioned; loading screens has for the most part become a bore to sit through, thus making it overlooked. :slight_smile:


My hot take is that I really like the Berlin agents and I see them as characters developed enough for the situation, given the Intel 47 provides to the player when they’re encountered naturally. The dialogue they have with bystanders is also really interesting and gives more life to them (badum tshh)
I think they should’ve had some more health though for a professional agent. I want to have to do 200 indestructible apple throws before it kills them


Are you trying to get me banned? We wander off from time to time. Deal with it!!!

(Is this unpopular or am I just replying to Urben? You decide)

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Yeah, I’m afraid I can’t agree with you here. While Berlin is a great level, the targets’ personalities couldn’t be less diverse.

All boringly have English names and “professional” personalities. I mean throwing in a Hispanic, Asian, Slavic agent with their unique backgrounds wouldn’t have hurt and wouldn’t take that much resources, right. What about some banter between the agents? Imagine how some of the hot-headed agents would be eager for battle with 47, maybe straight up underestimating and bad-mouthing him, while other, more cautious agents would try to reason with them.

All of the agents except Montgomery have non-unique faces, which is not that bad… Unless they are reused between the agents themselves so apparently we have twins like Chamberlin and Lowenthal, Davenport and Rhodes! Something could have been done about this. Also, some unique clothing choice that won’t ring a bell on your first run, but would still give some fraction of character to an agent(s).

While threading into gameplay territory here, some of the agents behaviours could have been different, making them a lot more memorable. Tremaine or Green could have planted a couple of proximity explosives near their location, hidden behind fire extinguishers maybe, and brag about it on the walkie. Punish them for their arrogance by luring them into their own mines. Some agent might cowardly (or wisely?) escape before Jiao tells them to do so, and vice versa - some other could stay to “finish the job”. Some agent could lack an enforcer status but story-wise, notice 47 anyway. When 47 would walk into an isolated room right next to them, they would close in for the kill.

Once again, I’m not saying they are necessarily bad, but I still think there was some room for more.


Two or Three agents bantering bc they felt cocky would have been great especially if another agent kept chiming in for them to “lock it up” bc he knew how good 47 was. The two could have an attitude that they are all highly trained and at that point it’ll come down to luck or something like that. Then some sort of a dialogue tree that triggers differently depending on which order you eliminate those 3 would have been perfect.


Swan and Davenport will always hold a special place in my heart.

The first time I played Apex Predator I mind controlled Davenport to his death and shot him in a hallway in the first few minutes and left his body there where it lay undiscovered for the entirety of the almost hour I was exploring. In the same vein, on my first play through, I pushed Swan into the canals right next to another NPC and did not get seen.

Good times.


I didn’t like the 2016 version of the main theme. (Though the H2/H3 versions were amazing).

Nah, doesn’t hold a candle to HC47, H2SA, Contract’s and BM’s themes.


H3’s music was certainly more haunting and epic-sounding than the prior two, that’s for sure.


Jesper Kyd is such a fucking genius, and I say that as a composer myself. He was way ahead of a lot of people in terms of scoring video games and that’s not even taking his range into consideration. A true talent.


Yes, I would call the H3 music as better than H1 and H2, although I do like the music that plays when you exit a level in H1 best, as well as that transition in the music in Mumbai in H2, from how it is on the rest of the map until you step into the train yard, where it switches up. Those are awesome, but for the most part, H1 and H2 music is kinda meh to the H3 and the rest of the series. Even Absolution had more exciting music.

Yeah, that incredibly fun game that is more like the Hitman they were expecting than they know, they were just upset that it’s wasn’t as much like Blood Money as they were expecting, so they don’t see the positives very well and just focus on the so-called negatives, but the point was for it to be something different.

That’s what happens when you’re chasing trends or designing your games to be more approachable to newcomers. It happened with Deus Ex: Invisible War, Splinter Cell: Conviction and Thief 4. Look at that, 3 of the games were owned by Eidos / Square and all of them stealth games, one of the genre that is most difficult to attract new players.


Go back and play the games that came before Blood Money and tell me exactly how freeform they are compared to Absolution, and how linear Absolution is compared to them. They are far more linear and restrictive than you and most others remember, and not nearly as freeform as you think. The problem is, most people are thinking of Blood Money when they talk about the open world experience the series was “known for” when they talk about how Absolution was lacking it, but the fact is, the series was not like that at all before Blood Money, at least not nearly to the degree people think. Blood Money was the oddity in the series up to that point, it was the standout, not replicated until WoA. That’s what so many fans don’t realize; Absolution is really no more linear than the first three games were, and Blood Money and the WoA are the open world games that the series is “known for.” It was not actually known for that before Blood Money.

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Hey, at least in older games the levels weren’t split into small checkpoints. There is really no reason for the barber shop in Shaving Lenny not being accessible from the front door or Attack of the Saints be one huge level :slight_smile:
That’s how freeform Absolution should have been.

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Really? I barely remember any of it’s tracks. I just remember loud inception horn, and that riff they used in the ICA trailers.


Gonna give 'em credit, when this part played during the gameplay reveal, my jaw simply dropped :grin:

Honestly Run For Your Life’s Demo had way better music than what we got in game. They cut out this whole segments music.

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Thing is a part of it is still in the game files, maybe there rest is still there but I simply missed it, it was a nightmare to look through all of 'em :slight_smile:

There is thought. Hardware limitation of the Xbox 360 and PS3 where directly the reason why some levels had to be split up.