Things About Hitman You Just Found Out

Is it reusable that way or does it break open and splash all over them?


Yes, totally.
But if you use it as a throwable object, it breaks straight away


I’m replaying Absolution and just walked past someone in a guard uniform, and he says “Hell yeah!” in that exact tone I’ve heard so many times in WOA. Then I walk by a guy clicking on his car alarm and it makes the exact sound as the stereos turning on and off.

Not complaining, if you’ve got good sounds, why not use them? In fact, it makes me think about the anecdote of how studio laugh tracks are often the same recordings they’ve used since the 50’s or 60’s, because if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Makes me wonder if I will hear an NPC give me a “hell yeah!” when I walk past them as James Bond.


Two things about Mendoza, that are connected.
There is a CX block in security office, nearby place you meet Diana for first time. It strangely has a signature MK 2 mark on it.

You can technically kill Don Yates with an explosive smuggled in briefcase, that is carried by Aaron Ford, who will visit him in his villa. However, you need to use very specific opportunity to do that. Ford has literally glued briefcase to his hand, and once dropes it, some guard will take it away. However, before he is frisked in front of levandula fields, there is brief window of opportunity to put into it an explosive. However, duck and other medium sized explosives won’t work, as their radius is too small, so you have to use CX block (like in that office).

(this is me using incorrectly duck)


I know that CX Block bothers me so Much!I also wish they Explained why the Tactical Wetsuit is the one Used by the ICA.

That´s a great observation :+1: But are you able to place the CX block inside without the guards getting suspicious?

I mean, it´s a tactical version and not really ICA-unique, so it makes sense the mercs use this one. Definitely better than using the “commercial” one from Haven or a reskin :man_shrugging:


That you can really stretch your throws…

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I presume you can place the explosive if you yourself are disguised as a guard. :slight_smile:

Yes, thats unfortunately only way to do it. Otherwise you will be spotted.

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Yet another thing in Hitman 2 I only noticed now when redoing the mission stories: I tried to do all the Whittleton Creek ones without reloading. I did the cigarette one but destroyed the oxygen tank to do the nurse one afterwards. In this case Janus’ lead bodyguard did not start his background check on the nurse (presumably because the prompt for him to start the investigation is Janus hooking himself up to the tank) and instead accompanied 47 and Janus to the bathroom and health checkup.


In Hitman Contracts, the code to Lee Hong’s safe is 1629512, I think. The nine could be a seven, but it looks like a nine, and the one in twelve could be 0.


EDIT: Actually, this may be for Rutgert Van Leuven’s safe.


Dubai is the only map with 3 safe codes. 2 universal ones for doors and emergency safes, plus a special one for the Shiekh’s bedroom.

Weird how we mostly never got more than two (Chongqing could really benefit to having at least 3… The amount of code doors and only 2 codes to use is a really strange security setup)


Shaman Powder, generally doesnt kill throwing it at someone´s head, except the Prisioner in Marrakesh, some NPC in a Agent 420 contract and Erich Soders.


Added a detail :wink: Allan sends his regards :sweat_smile:


I was killing guards in Whittleton Creek then Janus and Gunther went to Helen West’s house together. I thought this was weird as I think the only way to get Janus to go to Helen’s is to get rid of Gunther.

I don’t know if this is a bug or not. I’m thinking that it has something to do with the nurse going over to Janus’.

Crawled through about 400+ comments in the Unpopular opinions thread, came out with this:
David Bateson is South African and Jane Perry is Canadian.

Those are some really fun facts. (David also had education in South Africa, lived in Canada for a bit and now lives in Denmark)
Also explains why 47’s ‘accent’ isn’t so clearly defined… Bateson has had a lot of varying english dialects shoved into him at some point, I’m sure, so he can draw on all that a bit easier (or it slips).


In one interview Bateson discusses that in England people were quick to ask where he was from bc they couldn’t quite place his accent and he never understood why that mattered so much to everyone. He continued that in Denmark they don’t feel like they should know exactly where he is from just by his accent so he isn’t bothered so much by this repetitive question.

Yea Jane sounds not so much like Diana at all naturally. Her natural is pretty generic N American.


Yeah, I almost didn’t recognize her voice in Cyberpunk 2077.


Already known, but when I noticed this a few weeks ago it had me laughing out loud and throwing some celebratory fists into the air! :laughing: :fist: The yellow camera/video evidence status that they added to the game. I had suggested quite a while ago about changing the green guns to yellow. So cool to see it in the game regardless of whether or not they got the idea from me! I’m just happy it’s there. :grin:

Edit: If I could find an archive of one of those old posts, maybe I could quote it here.


Don’t want to spoil the mood, but :slightly_smiling_face: Not only was this requested multiple times by different people, this feature was actually present for some time in the game when the SA tracker had just been implemented. I think it was only a matter of time when they would bring it back (fixing some related issues, I suppose)