Mumbai has gotten so much better for me over the last 2 years, I really didn’t get it at first but I appreciate it more and more with every time I play it to the point its one of my favorite maps.
THe Meiko escalation has a problem with lighting but a positive thing is there’s now FIZZ machines in Japanese, since that’s the soda from Japan introduced in I wanna say Hitman 2 but it might’ve been in 1. I know Thwack and Jitter were added in 2 at least.
I’ve found out that in Contract Creation, when you mark an NPC, it displays their name and what disguise that character is wearing above it. This could be useful to find rare or inconspicuous disguises like the Heralds in Mendoza.
Interestingly, there are NPCs in Haven Island wearing the “Resort Guest” disguise, but that isn’t something 47 can wear nor exists on the map…
I noticed something that’s also related to Contracts mode and clothing, but which is completely useless.
When you have a contract that has “Suit” as a requirement for a target, you can find out what particular suit the contract creator was wearing when he created it. You just have to click on the target’s tab for more info.
This is useless because you don’t have to wear the exact same suit, but the information is shared regardless.
It is just almost useless, it might give you an idea about the strategy the creator used. If it is a Paris contract and the suit is the tux without gloves, chances are high the auction start might be a good idea.
When people make Berlin contracts you can tell if they went straight to the club or ran from the radio tower.
The naked dancing guy on the middle floor of the club in Berlin is wearing something like “Icelandic Dancing Guy” or something like that (but you can’t wear it of course), thought that was pretty cool.
As for something I just found, I just noticed yesterday in the training level in Hitman Contracts, the big Fleur de Lis on the wall is a window! You can see it connects to some snowy mountain, and the wind blowing outside. I don’t know how I never noticed this but I absolutely freaked out when I saw it, was really cool.
I just found out that in Paris there is a conversation that mentions Grey.
Do they literally say Lucas Grey? That’s cool.
Nah they don’t, Novikov just talks to his assistant about that mysterious guy who offered to help him in exchange of a copy of IAGO’s files
He does in Hokkaido too
Huh. The ICA DTI Stealth and the HWK 21 Pale Homemade Silencer pistols don’t have the silenced perk. I tried it out a bit, and they do seem to be ‘silenced’ in that NPC’s don’t all immediately go on alert when firing, nor does the “Shots Heard” notification pop up.
However, they do seem to be much less silenced than any other pistol. NPCs can hear them being shot from much further away. I thought IO had to program in the 'Silenced" perk to give it Silenced properties (since that’s been bugged with pistols before), but I guess not? Anyway, I feel like those should be changed to a proper level of sound, at least the DTI since it’s not ‘homemade’.
And what’s with the Pale Homemade only coming with 14 bullets? It’s bad enough the silencer is sub-par, but the lack of ammo is annoying. The unique audio and design of the weapon is cool, but the stats just don’t seem practical.
Okay well I decided to test it out myself a bit and it seems
The audio range of the gun actually firing is the same of a regular silenced pistol (i.e. if you stand behind an NPCs back and fire, how far away will they hear you firing)
But the audio range of the bullet impact is slightly greater than that of a regular silenced pistol
Which could make it slightly more useful for bullet lures, but not by a massive amount
Wow. Played Contracts to death and admittedly never noticed it was a window - I can even picture the exact fleur de lis you are talking about - nice find.
Also the snowy mountains seem to suggest that even back in 2004 IOI knew where they wanted the ICA training facility to be situated.
The training grounds in Contracts aren’t related to the ICA in my opinion. The Fleur de Lys is the Asylum’s logo, and 47 adopted it as a personal logo.
I think the training level in Contracts is a mental construct of 47’s psyche, in keeping with most of the other levels being situated in his dream/memory world as well.
That is a good point.
Also, IOI please bring back the fleur de lis more prominently
It’s made with an oil filter so makes sense. Also, I consider this Pale variant the H3 version of the Sig Sauer we saw in Hitman Contracts.