Things About Hitman You Just Found Out

Not to quote you on specifics, other than things i just found out, long list…

Here’s mine :You cn climb a whole bunch of areas that seem impenetrable otherwise in the Trilogy

After @SANY-72Q found out you can glitch the NPC at the China main start out of the station, I decided to do that too and make him flee to the accessible area of the level. He calmed down but still needed a cigarette.


is that your next contract?

Nah I won’t post such obscure contracts for now. :stuck_out_tongue:


TIL that dumping Diana’s body in Mendoza over a railing that is labeled as “Pacify”, not “Eliminate”, will still cause the mission to fail as its classed as eliminating her. The same thing happens if you hide her body in a closet/crate.


I finally got that dialogue after 20 minutes following Diana and Tamara around the party, but I 'mean not sure if this is intended. For some reason they will stop at one place, Tamara guesses once, Diana answers and then they continued their route only for it to be repeated.

It took about 10 minutes after I got to the guessing game for the dialogue about Blake Dexter to play. Is this really intended? Because in the footage I saw Tamara guesses, Diana answers, then Tamara guesses again while they are walking.

47 has a different voice in the final test mission

I found out something good and something bad. I’ll let you choose with which you start by clicking on the blurred text, but it’s concerning Hitman 2 missions so there should be no real spoilers there.

They’re both pointing towards something lacking in Hitman though, namely the fact that some mission stories can not be realistically completed without guidance in an intuitive way. In an ideal world Mission Stories should be able to be played by just listening to conversations or picking up other kind of Intel, but at least two have had me stumped. I’ve been playing Hitman without guidance for a long while now, but still there are some mission stories that remain a mystery to me.

The good:

I finally found the laundry foreman’s papers in Mumbai!! My God, what a ride that was. I’ve been looking everywhere for them. Every train carriage, every slum appartment, every corner in the sewer, even the Crow’s nest. I was about to start in Dawood’s tower and then I stumbled on that little corner in the laundry. I felt ridiculous. But also kind of glad.
I guess a little green indicator would have greatly helped, but I don’t think mission stories should rely on that in order to be carried out.

The bad:

I still haven’t figured out the mission story where you replace Janus in his casket. What I just found out though is that the Keep’s basement, where his body lies, is a restricted area for custodians.
This makes no sense to me. You clearly hear the architect responsible for the funeral say to a custodian to find that dagger and then bring it to the mortician. Good thing for him he never bothers because he would get shot to pieces if he did.
I’m now going to try to do it with the mercenary outfit, but on Master mode there’s at least one enforcer for that outfit in that basement, so not sure how clean that will pan out.

Or maybe is it that some mission stories are not supposed to work on Master mode? In that case, that’s something else I just found out.

  1. It’s not just a corner, it’s a place where people dispose of… Waste.

  2. I don’t know that you can actually deliver it. Regardless you’ll want an emptier room to change in, and the mortician definitely knows what a dead body should look like


Mumbai is full of waste :-p No matter how many “green and clean” signs claim otherwise. It was also not clear to me that the former foreman would have thrown them away. Sounded like pretty important documents so I figured they were hidden or stolen rather than thrown away. But like I said, I did check the sewers! :smiley:

Sounds like I’ve still got some figuring out to do. Thanks for the tip, I’ll try to take it from here! :slight_smile:

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i agree.

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I just found out that when you start in the room as the detective, and you go for the bike escape, the original detective is standing there waiting by his car, fully dressed. Lol, he is then also an inforcer to you… Thank god he then doesnt go in to the mansion…


Found out that in Mumbai, while disguised as the Laundry Foreman, 47 can dismiss laundry workers, but if Vanya has scolded them for their laziness, they’ll refuse to stop working.


Found out that the mk3 breacher is a lot more powerful than the first version. Used it on Rocco’s sister from where she stops to tie her shoe. Blew her over the villa wall and she landed by the pottery place :ok_hand:


Oh my… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yes… really didn’t think that through

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I actually kinda gave up tbh. I played 2016 with mission stories turned off. Then I used minimal in H2. Finally just caved and used full in H3.

I mean they were so much easier to figure out in H1: “I lost Novikov’s bare knuckle boxer recipe downstairs” so I just wandered around looking for it.

Compare with Dubai’s “Take the scenic route”. How am I supposed to know what that means/where to go?


Those guys NEED to take cover, otherwise they get mowed down by their comrade on the .50 caliber* machine gun!!!
*spelling mistake


I am wondering do the targets in Berlin say anything unique when subdued?

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Someone posted a video of one in the Announcements thread… for some reason