Is there a trigger to this that needs to be activated or does it automatically happen?
This is beary cool as a throwback to previous entries of the franchise and also interesting that Vidal is quite sharp with her deductions.
Considering the intro of 2016 shows 47 shooting the owner of the strip club in Absolution it means that either Diana is lying or what I want to believe; Absolution only kind of happened.
47 killed some dudes he was told to like the guy in Chinatown and the strip club owner and nothing else happened. His stay in the Terminus hotel was quick, uneventful and didn’t end with a burning building.
He´s not the architect, Omar is. This guy is an art critic who´s there to write about the exhibition. Though he wasn´t always that (I only listened to their conversations once so I don´t remember what kind of shady past he has). He also has one dialogue with Stuyvesant I think, telling him he looks familiar or something along those lines.
Also, Diana´s middle name is Penelope. I can´t take her seriously anymore…
I believe he goes by Voltaire and he’s also mentioned by Lucy as the only person who could drag her attention away for Cornelia Stuyvesant.
His conversation with Omar is basically him being squeezed to make sure he gives the art exhibit a flattering review and him trying to pretend he’s mysterious and never discloses anything until the review is published.
That’s acutally quite fitting. In Greek mythology Penelope’s the wife of Odysseus. He was on his journey for 20 years till he finally got back to her. Kind of like Hitman with the 20 years and reunited at last.
Also Penelope is probably the most loyal wife in Greek mythology. That sounds a bit like Diana. She also has a lot of tricks up her sleeve: When Odysseus was on his journey, a lot of men wanted to marry her. To put them off she told them that she has to weave a cloth first. Every night she unstitched the cloth so she never managed to finish it. When the men found out about this, she told them that whoever managed to shot through twelve axe holders with Odysseus’ bow will be her next husband. She knew that nobody even could draw this bow except for Odysseus.
Sorry for the long digression. I’m kind of a fan of Greek mythology…
I admit that analogy (if intended on part of the devs) is cool, but unfortunately it doesn´t affect my disappointment. I´ve always had an aversion of sorts towards that name… (courtesy of Penelope Pitstop? )
Hat to google Penelope Pitstop. Only know Penélope Cruz.
She´s just the first one that comes to mind for me (well, her and Graves), but my “aversion” is really just based on the sound of the name, for whatever reason. Anyways, that´s enough sidetracking
odysseus was ancient greece’s batman. love a trickster, me.
Richard Voltaire, it’s a new side character. Seems to be a critic, who made a paper on another Lucy Phillips’s exhibition called “revolution of the senses”. He talks with Marcus and the Sheikh. And Lucy doesn’t like him.
ChongQuing, out of bound stuff:
-there is an unused trainstation, seems furnished. Can’t see a way there yet…
The underground has not much to see, but the collisions are mostly working. The boat on the rive unfortunately can’t be accessed. Also most of the roads are leading nowhere.
Berlin Apex Predator
When you trigger the tower lasers and make Agent Termain (the sniper) spot you, he will try to shoot you. I thought it is limited to the tower area.
But once he started shooting he will get back to his rifle everytime you’re in line of sight (Even outside the tower on roofs and the containers). When you’re not in line of sight, he changes to binoculars. Are you back in line of sight he goes to the rifle and starts shooting.
So i used that fakt to make him kill Agent Green and then himself
For how long you had to do that until he hit the flask?
That’s fantastic!! I spent about 10 min trying to stand in front of the watermelons to see if the 2man team in Mendoza would shoot 47. I either couldn’t get into the correct spot or it just doesn’t work that way. I haven’t gotten around to trying the same thing only standing in front of Vidal to see if it was just an angle issue. I wonder if you can actually get the sniper in Berlin to shoot the other ICA agent directly?
Also the self kill with the propane flask directly in front of his rifle is one those “silly NPC” moments that make Hitman so much fun.
Edit* (added later). I went back and tried placing 47 in front of Vidal when she’s having a smoke. It is not possible to have the sniper bullet strike 47.
That Sierra Knox is played by the same voice actor as Emily Pope from Control. I knew I heard that voice before
The Snipers in Mendoza aren’t very good at it. When I was doing this challenge for the first time, they shot Diana first and seconds later Vidal. Of course I failed the mission because of their poor sniping skills.
If you drop a briefcase near Hirschmüller’s office, someone will bring it to Agent Montgomery. This may have been perfect timing
Those NPCs truly know what’s important don’t they? “Hold on 47, I have to take the suitcase to the lost and found… BRB!”
good find!
I’m sure this has been mentioned before but the club owner costume allows 47 to hold weapons while he walks around the club.
If he blew tech girl’s head off I would have cried laughing lmao.