Things About Hitman You Just Found Out

Two of the tanks spawn a fish item. That one there doesn’t.


I just found out that you can jump so pretty useless spots on this wall in DGS, don’t know if its in the normal Dartmoor.


If you are talking about Absolution, then the answer is, she’s only missing some textures, otherwise almost everything is there…

In an earlier version of Paris, the sheikh was an impostor, who wanted to get to the IAGO auction, while the other in Miami is the real deal. My bet it’s a remnant of that.

I just discovered, if I wear the technician disguise at the Kronstadt center and stand front of the android, it will react to 47’s presence. It’s hilarious but also sad actually…


Yeah, I’m aware of that impostor thing. Problem is, I think in contracts mode his name in Paris is the correct one and the Miami one is different :sweat_smile:

It reacts to a lot of different disguises, including the sheikh, which is cool.

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I’m pretty sure that the purpose is to distract and isolate a guard here so you can knock him out and take the disguise. If you got to that point and don’t have one already, that is.


OK! But I’m pretty sure that a guard is roaming and is already passing from time to time in this room when the projector is off.
Also, the projector could be a way to distract the two guards guarding the “meeting room” (where the CIA Agent and Vaana meet). When the projector is on, one guard is heading to the projector room while the second is entering the meeting room.

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At Whittleton Creek, when you use emetic poison on some NPCs within range, they will go to the trashcan behind the shed in the park. If you place an explosive inside that trashcan beforehand, once they go to it and start puking and you set it off, it’s possible for it to blow them completely over the wall behind them, outside of the playable boundary and outside the visual range of those who come to investigate the explosion. Just did it not five minutes ago as of this post and had no idea it was even possible.


File this under completely useless knowledge, but the doors to the greenhouse in Dartmoor that are blocked by Emma’s poison making station are actually functional doors that blow open with an explosive rather than just being a wall made to look like a door.


That’s… completely useless, and yet, strangely awesome to know.


I didn’t know the Milita is present on The Source. Is it ever explained why they are there?

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IIRC there is way to get the militia (different militia than Colorado) to pull out Sister Whatshername. They are either security for the cult or maybe just security for her bc she’s getting cold feet? It’s something like that and there is way to have them escort her out to the back by the tuktuk.


If you eliminate Oybek Nabazov and wait for long enough, she will be escorted to the zone by the tuk-tuk.


It was a fluke that I found this out. Even though it’s nothing really, I’ll mention it here anyway.

Layton Gil, stationed on the balcony outside Alexa Carlisle’s Office had his name changed to Leonard Gore at some point. This is noticeable if you compare an older video of the Deluxe Escalation (featuring this NPC as a target in Level 3) to how he’s listed now in Contracts Mode:

I guess if you ever want to make Contracts with names in the Title or Description, take note that this can still occasionally happen. Like the two letter named NPCs from the patch back in May.


Apparently Viktor Novikov has two actors for in level and cutscene. That’s a weird one.


Not really. It’s perfectly normal in game design/3d modeling to have a “hero” model for cut scenes and close-ups that is higher poly and more detailed than the version that the player interacts with.


I think you misunderstood as I’m guessing JJoa74 was referring to the fact that Viktor Novikov has two different voice actors. In the post-Paris cinematic he is voiced by Peter Vollebregt, while when you’re playing the game he is voiced by Jon Curry.


OHHHHHHHHH… Well I feel dumb. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Siberia edition:

4/6 guard towers have a sniper on them, not just Smith’s tower

Even though this is a video game and they are devs who could do whatever they want, they literally place in a physical (Sapienza modern) lamp and make it strobe to create the ‘riot lighting’ effect, instead of just having the light itself without a prop

A Haven Island pamphlet has been in the Warden’s office the whole time, and it’s placed on the Maldives on the world map

If you wait the full 15 minutes, both targets go to the helicopter outside the prison, only to then walk all the way back and exit via jetskis :interrobang:

For some reason this guy farts repeatedly. I dunno if IO did just as a weird easter egg for modders or what

After riot started I seemed to kill a prisoner who had a rifle, I dunno what happened there

I’m using Dafitius’ old “sniperplus” mod btw, it shouldn’t do anything other than place the spawn inside the prison and disable the ‘cripplebox’ of sniper mode, as far as I’m aware. But them not exiting via helicopter after walking to it is a bit sus



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The golden frog from the Greed Enumeration in 7DS seems to have originated in Paris during the Holiday Hoarders mission. There is a group of them holding the ribbons in place over the central fountain in front of you at the default starting point.