That’s how I remember it Didn’t find it myself but remembered that someone here (you) talked about it. Couldn’t find the post anymore.
Yes I am, I completely forgot to type in De Havilland’s name.
There’s quite a few bricked up doorways in Berlin, particularly on this rooftop:
But, this one laughs at you for thinking it’s real:
So I was running around Dubai mindlessly trying to empty the map with the fiber wire (don’t ask).
I discovered that this NPC, named Mary Dickson and situated near the garden is carrying a cannabis joint with her, and she will drop it if taken out. (and it’s not on Hitmaps as of today)
Funnily enough she’s near the placed cannabis joint (behind the coconut, just after the purple corridor).
That’s the kind of environement story telling that made me love the WoA trilogy.
If I find more of them, be ready for a “war on drugs” fan made contract.
If I remember correctly, there are no more joints on the map.
But even if you have one with you, can you even use it?
I never saw a cigarette pack or another place to place the joint so somebody would smoke it
That’s something for @MrMike then. I wonder if there’s a chance to use this joint…
Starting location 47 is holding an umbrella. He closes it and then it’s not in your inventory. What the hell? I don’t play Chongqing much so I just found this out.
When bullets hit something metal, they glow red with heat for a few seconds before cooling down.
Radio Tower in Berlin:
Lockers in Mendoza:
There is a joint on the Sheik attic, in the balcony where Ingram goes for a smoke during his routines. Is placed on a plant near the door to the room with the safe. Sure, it seems you can’t do nothing with it.
It actually shows which suit the contract creator used if there are suit kills in the contract. I thought it would simply show the default suit for that location.
It’s an amazing feature, that. If you haven’t played Rudd’s DGS sniper contract, I recommend you check out the suits yeah… suits… used there.
Just checked and I’m seeing the signature suit without gloves on that contract. What do you see? You must be seeing of whoever re-created it on Xbox.
@Kevin_Rudd do you have the list of modded suits you used for the DGS sniper contract? It seems to have broken on PC.
Oh I never did it on PC, I used a different method to make the original; the suits easter egg is only on console versions
I just found out I missed a challenge in Dartmoor. I was sure I finished everything 100%. Was this challenge here since the beginning?
Of course I finished it a few minutes later:
It came a few patches before.
I should read the patch notes more carefully.
Speaking of this, aren’t we getting the winter sniper suit today? Will that be a challenge in Hokkaido? Also, any idea what time will it be releasing?