Ima talk about my diet, since it’s said that controlling it is one of the two ways available to lose weight, the other working out(which I haven’t been able to do much) 
I was hitting about a full 100kg weight around the end of last year, I was doing the last year of the homeschooling course and being in the room all day with my computer didn’t help. I had heard a bit about the Keto diet and did some research on it. It seemed great, just get below about 20g net carbohydrates(carbs without counting the fiber) and max 50g and you’re good to go, assuming of course that you’re eating a lot of fat in place of the carbs since that’s gonna be your main energy source. Bad news was that the food list was full of non vegetarian products which I don’t eat, but thankfully there were 4 or 5 things I found which fit the diet like eggs, cauliflower, paneer(cottage cheese), spinach, cheese, mushroom and almond flour(though the last one is very expensive so I used it quite rarely).
To mix things up I also found another diet called omad or one meal a day, which was like a hardore version of the intermittent fasting where you would have a one hour window of eating and the other 23 hour fasting. AND I found another thing called losing weight with calorie deficit and a good amount seemed like 1200 calories a day. Add to this the fact that there was no lock down last year and I was going to a cricket academy pretty much everyday to play some matches and exercise.
I tried this and could only go for like 4 days before giving up, crazy thing is I was losing like 1 and a half kgs each day. Seems stupid but it did seem like it, and I never felt weak or tired at any point, hell I could sleep better and somehow my eyesight felt like it improved a bit(probably because of the vitamin a in eggs, cheese and butter, then again I’m not sure if thats how it works imao) the only thing which stopped it and i hate myself because of is my inclination for junk food and chocolates, which would result in my days long diet getting broken in a matter of minutes.
I’ve done this this entire year, going for about 4 to 5 days before crashing and eating a ton of chocolates, and starting again. At one point I reached about 87 kgs when I went for like 9 days, the biggest streak.
But one year later, at this point, being off the diet for 2 months, all of that seems like a waste because well I’m at about 95kgs now, 5 less than last year when I started. I’m actually quite disgusted at myself on why I would let my binge eating get the best of me and ruin my days long streak and hard work(should’ve written this earlier, it takes a couple of days to enter ketosis, when ketones are created and fat is used as the main energy source. Eating carbs and breaking the 50g limit gets you out of ketosis and back to the normal form where carbs are the main source).
I’m thinking about doing it one last time, starting next year, for 2 solid weeks, not breaking it at any point and doing a morning run each day along side it, starting with a 2km run on the first day. I really hope I could do it, cause at this point I’m sick of it all and myself 