Speedrunning trades on exploiting the mechanics, but the mechanics should not remain static just to appease speedrunners.
HITMAN launched in an unfinished state with a promise of future updates. Changes to an unfinished, low-fidelity base game should never cater to those who speedrun. The developers should finish the game without regard for speedrunners and let the speedrunners adapt to the final version of the game.
Again you’re just showing you have no idea what the term “speedgame” even means, or knowledge of advanced movement tech in general. Every popular Speedrun game has tech that is obviously not what it was “intended” by the devs. Your point about accessibility makes no sense whatsoever either: how does this particular kirk of the game that no casual player would ever stumble upon affect accessibility? So weird to even bring it up to begin with tbh. Also, amusingly, removing muffin boosting will literally make it a less accessible game to Speedrun as peacock on PC might be the only way to play the main, most run categories.
And a game doesn’t need to be designed as a speedgame to be a good speedgame, it just has to have the right properties and qualities needed for a speedgame. Simply look at Super Mario 64 for an example.
As for the region stuff, it goes far beyond simple framerate differences.
Also, “that’s not how proof works”? Mate you’re literally the one asking me to provide proof of a negative statement. That’s not how proof works. Bring me proof this particular bug ever affected a casual player. The burden of proof is on you, not me lmao
I’ve personally found that when I take a generous handful of uppers just before playing, every run becomes a speed-run. Now that, my friends, is creative adaptability at its finest. If I take two extra generous handfuls of uppers just before playing, I have speed-runs that are so fast I don’t even need to turn the game on. Three extra, extra generous handfuls of uppers? Well, believe it or not, I become able to actually travel backwards in time to when Agent 47 was only Agent 4. He was just a wee little Hitman still in diapers. He still wore the suit, the only difference was that it was a onesie. He was bald then as well, but the code on the back of his head was only three lines.
So, it’s goes without saying that I’ve probably beat most of every one else’s speed-run times. The only ones quicker are the extra dedicated players who enjoy a pinch or two or nine of bath salts prior to playing. They physically enter the game and complete all the assassinations on their own. They then enjoy sharing a joint with Agent 47. You know how there’s joints on some maps that seem to serve no purpose? Well, those are actually there for the bath salt enthusiasts. Now you know. Yet another example of the amazing amount of detail the developers put into the game. They truly thought of everything!
(Kids, please don’t try this at home, I’m a trained professional with many years of experience)
Well, to be honest, Speed running with unintentional glitches is cheating. It does affect the leader boards and the ranking. You can’t honestly say its fair to reward those who exploit hacks and punish those who play the game as intended. Leader boards are intended, glitch cheating is not. If the leader boards did not exist this wouldn’t be a problem.
Now if you had a Leader board for ***** rating + Speed and a separate one dedicated to just speed, that would be something else
wow gotta love people who join the forum just to talk about this particular topic…think its quite obvious your attitude and answers are all out of a deep sense of fear of particles being removed.
Hey, you’re such a genius, and obviously a master speed runner who’s discovered these exploits all by himself, so develop a new strat! (I mean isn’t strategy part of the hitman experience, trial and error and finding the perfect way of carrying out your assassination? I.E the way the game is meant to be played) Well consider this update a new challenge! Every time I.O.I Patches an exploit, its like new freaking challenge for you… if only they refreshed the regular challenges as often!
Also apparently the reason its being done is to improve performance. But nah brah, just pretend like the devs are deliberately targeting the people not playing the game as intended, cuz ya know, they’re out to get ya.
There’s not a single piece of evidence anywhere it has anything to do with performance, but please keep talking about things you know nothing about, including speedrunning.
I mean if IO said they didnt like those tricks wouldnt they then be considered cheating? Dont speedrunners themselves regard certain tricks as illegal?
Depends on the context as certain events (eg Bingo, roulette etc etc) have certain rules to ground the game to fit everyones style (some people don’t use certain things for reasons or don’t have certain abilities locked behind certain platforms and stuff) usually bigger communities have stuff like this.
Don’t know if you mean like that of not, but i rambled on about it and you read it so
Edit: IOI probably don’t know Speedrunning as well as you or i as they never intended it to be so extreme, so they say this is not a Hitman thing, thus calling it Illegal even if it’s not really bad or game changing
In all honesty though, IOI is within their right to fix it, but I hope it stays since it’s such a fascinating tool of the speedrunning community that I’ll never understand, master, or see in my own playthroughs.
Yeah, please keep your tin foil hat on, the devs are deliberately targeting the speed runners who they have given plenty of spotlight in curated contracts and videos in the past.
Yeah makes freaking sense brah…
“No evidence to suggest its performance related”
So yeah, must be deliberate targeting then, because you can’t strat without the particle cheat, which it is, its a game exploit, it wasn’t meant to be part of the game, its not a feature its a bug… So you’re on the wrong side of this no matter your uber expertise in speed-running. IOI don’t owe you a darn thing, they never sold hitman 3 as a speed-running game to your selfentitled self. Show the promo where they said speed running on muffin particles was part of the game, and maybe you can win a “legal battle” with em… you know its not meant to be there, IOI has the right to remove it.
This isn’t fair and doesn’t paint the full picture because it’s much more complicated to downpatch on Epic in particular, and most of the PC playerbase is on Epic due to IOI forcing everyone to be with Epic in the first year of release.
As someone in speedrunning community downpatch is something we considered but likely not something we will fully support until there is a way to easily downpatch on Epic without resorting to piracy.
It would be foolish and contrary to IOI’s own actions to dismiss them out of hand. These are some of the most hardworking and creative players in the community.
The situation isn’t black or white on either end, and there’s no need to paint speedrunners as the villain nor the hero here. In fact, there are a few speedrunners who might be happy to see the muffin trick patched as well, it’s by no means everyone on one side or the other.
But don’t say strange things about topics you don’t comprehend.
The lack of comprehension is on your part
You point out yourself that IOI has been very supportive of speedrunners. point i AGREE with. Don’t have to be a speed runner to notice that. Something i mentioned myself.
My point is this rabid idea that IOI are out to “GET” speedrunners instead of “PATCHING BUGS”
You don’t need to be a member of the speedrunner community to comprehend that, however it seems the lack of comprehension here comes from the expert speedrunners… . who feel IOI are out to get them… the whole fracking video at top of the page was one such example… the others who say its not performance rated… so what the heck is it then? i mean game developers who make games have a whole thing fixing bugs, its not just a pride thing for them to patch bugs, but ensures future work… I mean while exploiting glitches may be fun, it looks fracking bad on someones resume to be one of the devs on a bugged as hell game…
The fact is “People fix bugs” =“They out to get us” foil hat conspiracy gibberish I CAN comment on and obviously comprehend.