If you re-enable them, the theoretical issues you describe simply don’t exist.
Back in March when you dropped an item like a breaching charge or explosive, you still had the detonator and it could still explode in the spot you dropped it while staying in your arsenal. They fixed this, and it has nothing to do with disabling particles.
It’s also negligible on performance really and from memory a setting disables them anyway.
I’d personally prefer if they make 47 not interact with the particles by making them not collide with him like they do with other things (broken chandeliers come to mind).
I don’t think that IOI is targeting speedrunners, on the contrary they’ve been supporting them since the first WoA HITMAN using their videos and even promoting their custom games and challenges through the whole trilogy
Its too bad that amazing details like objects particles are getting removed because of some players using them as exploit to glitch and speedrun
I hope that a workaround/compromise will be found so we can keep those little beautiful details into the game without ruining the ensemble
The compromise is really simple? Literally just leave the system exactly as it is now. It hurts absolutely no one and it’s not a thing casual players can stumble on by accident.
It’s a bug after all, if the developers decided to fix it then it’s reasonable.
But it’s also reasonable to keep it as it’s fun.
Is this a common phenomenon that when a player starts to try speedrunning he will feel like “damn this game is full of glitches”? But won’t a programmer feel upset about it? “Damn my game is filled with glitches and there are people using them everyday! That’s a shame! I’ve got to fix them one day!”
I think I can understand them if that’s what the developers feel…
If IOI came out of the blue after months of no patches (i.e. live support ended), and pushed an update to fix this issue (and others, take the NY frisk for example). I would understand the outrage, but we’re in the middle of live support, it’s perfectly reasonable to fix bugs no matter how old they are.
That’s not a compromise in any sense of the word; it’s a “leave it as it is to make speedrunners happy”. That’s the opposite of a compromise; “do what I want you to do IOI”…sooo how are you compromising exactly?
In my opinion, it’s their game, and they have every right to fix it; it is technically an engine bug after all. IOI would not be unreasonable in fixing it.
Also this mentality of “it hurts absolutely nobody” is such a BS defense, you know full well it’s a mild justification to yourself to keep buggy behaviour in the game because it’s beneficial to you and others who use it. Sure, it harms nobody, but it does actively empower those who do use it.
It’s factual that it it being there hurts nobody. I’m confusing why are you telling about it “benefiting” anyone. It benefits the entire game and its players to let it be a enjoyable speedgame that keeps people interested and invested for years and years. Very confused on what the “empower” complaint is about, it literally affects no one else.
You have given zero evidence to back that claim up. Almost like as if you want it to stay because you benefit from it, rather than for anyone elses’ benefit that you even admit won’t use it.
…I literally say why. From context alone, you should know what I mean here.
No. No it does not. Speedrunners will just move to another tactic, this has no bearing on the longevity of the game, especially in speedrunning circles. You are conflating one thing to another, and it’s really strange.
Also, you completely disregarded the “compromise that isn’t a compromise” part of the discussion. Which really does speak volumes.
I view it kinda like the slow briefcase that was in the game for a while. If that was still happening with every briefcase every time you throw one, it would be silly and immersion-breaking. They added a special briefcase that retained the behavior and the others behave normally. In the same vein, if the particles affected gameplay regularly and allowed for going out of bounds in all kinds of situations, it should probably be patched. But they don’t and you are very unlikely to come across it unintentionally. So why not leave it in the game if some people enjoy it? Unless there is an actual stability/performance issue.
The fact that it took several years for speedrunners to discover it shows how utterly irrelevant it is to every other player. That’s all the proof I need.
As for your other point, it shows a deep ignorance of speedrunning as a medium and what constitutes a good speedgame. Advanced movement tech and ever evolving routes based on creativity are the fundamental ingredients of any popular Speedrun game. And there’s a reason a lot of games have a specific region /patch/ port their speedruns are mainly run at, as those are the versions better suited as a speedgame, and those are directly correlated with their popularity as a speedgame.
Unintended behaviour, regardless of how widely it’s used, is still unintended behaviour. It doesn’t magically make it “right” to keep it just because it’s not widely known.
If some “new meta” isn’t found then it’ll more than likely end up like every other game that gets an exploit patch: a category gets created for pre-version x.y.z speedruns and they live there. Anyone wishing to compete will have to use Peacock of course, but that is already considered acceptable.
That’s not how proof works. It just means it took a while to find it, that’s not entirely unusual in glicthed speedrunning circles.
If I recall correctly, there’s usually specific categories for glitched speedruns versus non-glitched runs.
Advanced movement tech is not “bug that is an engine exploit”. That is wildly misleading.
This game, hell this trilogy, while it does make concessions to speedrunners on occasion, is designed to be accessible to everyone. It is in no way designed to be a “speedgame” out the gate.
The whole region thing for games goes back to the days of the 50Hz/ 60Hz timings difference on consoles from seperate regions; as in, characters did genuinely move slower, or gameplay was measurably impacted on certain consoles. That has no bearing on this discussion, and i’m a little puzzled by you mentioning that regions play a role here. You’re just correlating one thing with another when it just doesn’t makes sense to do so (and it’s game-specific anyway)
Really, this whole paragraph baffles me; It feels like you’re just saying words.
Because a life-saving drug to stop infections is comparable…to videogames. I don’t think that analogy works on multiple levels. Penicillin is often the default option for treatment of bacterial infections; unless you’re like @47saso47 who is allergic to it.
I know you were going for the “accidents are good” angle, but that’s not the analogy I’d use.