- The Unofficial Lucas Grey Fanclub -

Thats cold :sob: I’ll be honest I really wish he survived and went on to live his life somewhere quiet, instead of what happened. He was a pretty epic character imo

Also I saw the Haven end cutscene again, and it doesn’t make any sense now lol, why is Grey so chill about Edward escaping? Maybe they changed their decisions mid way






Lucas Grey forever :pray: :pensive:


Taken too soon. :pray: :pensive: :sob:


But the important thing is that he’s got money :dollar: :dollar: :money_mouth_face:


But he’s very humble, just spending his billions on black shirts

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Grey: They hide stains! They’re practical! I never got the chance to acquire a taste for haute couture in the various war zones I was in!

47: (still unimpressed)
Olivia: (doesn’t see what the big deal is)
Diana: (is more curious about the war zones than anything)


Black is his happy colour.

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Hej Guys, I had a very fucked up week. I went to work after I was on sick leave for three weeks and it started with a huge mess and I feel like shit :sweat:

Can someone here make some Grey screenshots to cheer me up a bit, please? :pleading_face:


Here is some Victor PopArt! I hope you feel better.


Since you’ve already mentioned the model from the new game, I think I’m at the right place.

I HATE Grey’s model in H3. Seriously. This is probably something that I will never put up with. Therefore I tried to imagine what Grey’s model would look like if he had retained his recognizable facial features. At the same time I kept the improvements from IO (I understand that they wanted to make faces of 47 and 6 smoother and less angular, and I kept that moment).
On the left is the original model, on the right is the edited one.

Not the best option, but it’s more interesting than the original model anyway


This Grey looks like he hasn’t slept in a week, which, alright seems in character but still


I can’t stand his face in Hitman 3 :sweat_smile: I like your fixed version, though. But still, he looks so… I don’t know the word for it… in Germany I would say he looks “abgehalftert”, I think in English ist’s something like “worn out”.


Yep, but it’s because of the base model. My goal was to keep the model base from H3. At least I tried :smiley:
If we’re talking about model (not pre-renders like in hitman 2016), I still like the one from H2.

P.S. When I was learning German, it was really difficult to find an analogue for a word in English. As for me, ‘‘worn out’’ or ‘‘shabby’’ are the best options here (can I use ‘‘shabby’’ for a person? English is not my native language too :joy:)


His hair looks much more realistic. Use the talent, IOI! The 3Ds she makes from the characters are better than the ones you do :unamused:


Maybe “greasy” is the right word for him :sweat_smile:

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I’m afraid you overestimate my capabilities :slight_smile: This is just a photoshop (or maybe I just misunderstood you). I mixed two Grey’s models (from H2 and from H3). I’ve taken a couple of shots inside the game against the black chromakey background, so nothing else distracts from the picture, and slightly edited the image.
The original assets I’ve used:

It’s a shame that such a detailed model turned into THIS.

By the way, I also had an idea that if I knew how to 3D-model something, then, at least, I would try to do something with his head.
My image still can be the concept-art for some 3D artists :smiley:


When I see that direct comparison it is so clear how bad the H3 model looks. Starting from the hair, to his facial expression, the size of his head… damn, what have they done to him?

Oh and I’m sure you would do a perfect 3D model of him! Because you know what’s important to make him look good :grin:


No, of course I realize that your work is different from 3D sketches. But still, they might be able to change their sketch accordingly. Yours is much more detailed as you mixed two of them.