The Ultimate Hitman Memes Thread


Keep my handler’s name out of your mouth!


Oh my gosh


A new breed of stealth.



Enter a world of “DON’T WATCH THE MOVIES”


Oddly, these two have the most accurate movie presentation in relation to their games, Silent Hill and Detective Pikachu notwithstanding.


Tomb Raider would be my top pick on that list, just because it almost 1:1 retells the story of the 2013 game.

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Wtf? Go watch Mortal Kombat from 1995, THAT’S an accurate presentation. Hitman was awful and so are the most of the Resident Evil movies.


I didn’t say they were good, I said they were accurate. More so than other game-to-movie adaptation attempts like Alone in the Dark or Super Mario Bros. Hitman and Resident Evil don’t translate well to the confines of a single motion picture. They need tv series where an entire season covers a single game.


Did you forget there was more than one film? With each sequel sucking more and more as it went on. If it can’t be adapted well as a series of films I fail to see how making it a TV series would work.

Also Resident Evil can work as a film, I mean look at the Dead films as proof. The Resident Evil films sucked because the people writing them were idiots and the director is a hack that needed to keep his wife employed.

And Ochoa said the films weren’t accurate and that is why they are bad. Literally the first sentence of his reply says that.


I dont remember the second movie, but i’m quite sure that 47 isnt a orphan and doesn’t work for an organization within the catholic church :man_shrugging:

Maybe i need to replay Codename 47… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You probably should because if you play that game you will find out that 47 is indeed an orphan. In fact he made himself an orphan, that is the game’s whole story.

ICA: International Catholic Assassinations


Yes, but they were a mishmash of various different parts of different games, with each entry meant to be the last one, so no one had any idea where the story was going. That’s why they don’t translate well to film, and one Resident Evil game isn’t going to properly fit into one movie. The Dead films aren’t a proper example because those only include zombies and it’s more about the human enemies. Resident Evil is almost fully about the monster enemies and zombies barely scratch the surface.

I know Mr. Ochoa said the movies weren’t accurate. I ignored the statement because he’s wrong on that one. They are not fully accurate of course, but they keep enough of what the games are to know immediately what you’re watching and able to compare them. They just don’t put in enough effort to make a good story from them due to the limitations of time, primarily, and what executives think the people paying to see them want.

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The first game takes place in one location with four characters. You could adapt the first game as a decent film if you actually cared. Anderson didn’t hence why it sucks and the rest of them do as well.

I am sorry are you saying that there isn’t a single human adversary in the games? The biggest enemy in the games is a damn pill company! Also not only are the zombies the reasons why we have human adversaries in the Dead films and they are also commonly used metaphorically as well especially in Dawn which is the best film in the series.

The Resident Evil films also focus on shitty CGI monsters as well and yet they suck because those monsters are video game enemies intended to just be stuff to make the game longer, Anderson couldn’t find a way to make them fit organically or use them on some deeper metaphorical level so he uses them for crappy action scenes. Time filling action is satisfying in a game but a waste of time in a movie.

I dunno making the historically neutral ICA some sort of affiliate of the Catholic church sounds like a huge departure from the series.

Which is insane, Hitman isn’t even lore heavy, they added shit or removed shit and it didn’t need to be that way. The lore is 47 is a clone, he works for a politically neutral syndicate called the ICA with Diana Burnwood as his handler, she is British and 47 is a quiet, emotionless and efficient killer. You don’t need to “keep enough of the lore”, the lore is a sentence long. There is no excuse for the films to be so needlessly inaccurate or to even make inaccuracies in the first place.

So why even slap the name Hitman on it aside from being so embarrassed about your film or so underconfident in it that you need to slap a game license or property title on it?


All of which is fine and forgivable and fun while ina video game that you control and can take your time with. In a movie, where the experience has to revolve around a 2-hour time limit and cater to a wider audience than just those who know the source material, it doesn’t translate well. It takes you along for the ride, you don’t drive it forward yourself as you do with a game.

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Forgot this part and damn edit won’t load for some reason.

And do you fight the pill company? Or do you fight the monsters it makes? When you do fight a human adversary, they invariably turn themselves into monsters. The Dead Rising games are more closely aligned with Romero’s work.


god i wish theyd remake, rerelease, reimagine dead rising 1 and 2, or just make a new one that takes the design principles of 1 and 2 and builds upon em rather than simplifying and dumbing down like the actual sequels did. (no hate towards dr3 its fine, but 4 really dropped the ball)


Sadly, I agree. Such potential.


The point is you can’t fight it, the point is that no matter how many of their representatives you fight or products you kill the systems the pill company is a part of is something they completely own and dominate. Either you fight against the system itself or you can just beat back the tide.

You are looking at it painfully literally just like this statement…

That isn’t the own you think it is all it does is make you look like you just absorbed the game literally and without real thought. Like how could you not see the subtext there? Especially since the Dead films, Dead Rising and Resident Evil are doing the same thing with that notion of the humans turning into the monsters.

You have the exact same mindset as the people that make the Resident Evil films: The how and why of the game isn’t as important as the what happens in the game, things have no subtext they are just there to be fought against as set pieces and to look a certain way.

Yes but you are ignoring what it is I am saying, what I am saying is that all of these adaptations not only remove surface level lore they also completely delete a lot of the subtext those games have. In fact Dead Rising and Resident Evil both say the exact same thing in different ways.

I am going to play devil’s advocate here, the ball wasn’t dropped in 4’s production. Capcom Japan was stabbing the people holding the ball to death because they wanted to do new things with the ball and Capcom Japan got irrationally scared of the consequences due to fan pushback on three. (I would like to say I haven’t played any of the games, I have been interested but I just find the timed element a turn-off)

It is a miracle the game even came out at all given the nightmare mode production phase, the extensively screwed design/concept phase and the horrors of the game’s initial reception. It is sad because there were a lot of good ideas that died on the floor before and after the production finished