@Swangtheugly you seem to be correct about free alternate outfits being a possibility.
It’s one of the 4 options on the main menu the moment you boot up the game lol
Also, what struck me as weird was a mandatory EULA and Privacy Policy when starting up. I took a glance at it (because I like being aware how much of my digital soul I’m signing away), and it doesn’t seem like Remedy collect any major specific info about you.
Definitely not things like “your internet provider, IP address, gamertag, friends list, etc. etc.” Like I’ve seen on other PrivPolicies
Also I’ve already found an RCU reference!
Weird blocky metal trailer in the woods? FBC Logo? It gets marked in my map? Must be important for later!
So far, I’m really excited. The quality is stunning (I kept thinking the opening cutscene was live-action until they shifted the camera behind the prologue character. Damn good water effects.)
All the stuff with Alex Casey (and his weird, moody, noir-like attitude) I’m sure he’ll be revealed he’s some figment Alan managed to conjure – they made it a point for him to point out he likes rain for Pete’s sake!
And the awesome title card at the start – I have faith this is gonna be Remedy’s coolest game yet. Merging games, different media formats, detective work on Saga’s side and maybe Puzzle-solving on Alan’s side? Oooh I gotta go sleep so I can Wake up tomorrow for more! This opening chapter is long!
And also, it seems Open Areas have made a comeback from the original’s concept! You get a (slightly clunky) map and the freedom to explore a large chunk of the forest!
Edit: oh yeah and the actor who plays Saga – oof, yeah, she’s british and I can tell. She slips a lot when pronouncing R’s and A’s. Loses the american accent a bit, it’s strange but funny.