Wow , I love how they sort of look a like
It’s like mother and daughter stuff .
Spoilers ahead for the end of the game; i’ve marked them as such out of courtesy.
aaaand that’s the last of my playthrough of WoA. It feels really good to go from beginning to end, and I’m still satisfied with how well everything was made. IO Interactive have honed their Level-making skills, so whatever comes next; I am so ready for.
I meant to give him a Red and Black Checked shirt, so it seems like the Game does it automatically here, so the second Colour Channel was for the Arms. Funnily enough I think that the Shirt looks surprisingly good.
Well, he sits quite shirmed from Sunlight, so I had to get him into better Lighting somehow… in this case by shooting a Random NPC and a few of his Guard Buds, that rudly tried to murder me. Some People really.
Wrath is fecking awesome. So awesome that i’m too unskilled to even beat stage one. Gonna try again tomorrow with fresh eyes…and probably a mod to turn off/ tone down the filter. This was well worth the £4.19, and i’ve not even completed the escalation yet.
While I only reused one Model so far I did made a similair one, the same way IO did.
Whittelton Creek
Also do the fact that John only appears twice in WC, I of course brought him back in another way.
Haha, that’s how I remember that coat as well. Once you make a contract with someone in, for me that’s who they are forever:
Which map is she from?
Looks like New York to me
Me likey the Wrath escalation. Was pretty fun.
Also now I consider official that Roaring Flash Grenade and Red Tie Kiwi are best friends forever. Don’t ask. Just go with my headcanon and my joy Wrath was bear themed.
BTW, while it’s a proximity grenade it won’t go off if only you get close. Only NPCs activate it.
Nice, that’s awesome. No more accidental deaths haha.
It’s a flashbang anyway so no risk of dying here in terms of the game. :B
Pic request.
The camera shows Don Yates (from behind) looking into a mirror, but in the reflection is Ken Morgan standing behind him. I’m not sure how this could work out…
Or no mirror, just Don Yates from in front, close to his head/face, and body swapped Ken Morgan is behind him - come to warn him.
I had hoped for an infection look for Ken, but if that’s not possible, then maybe a higher contrast black and white pic.
Not meaning to push this off onto anyone else. If I knew how to mess around with mods, and/or wasn’t afraid to mess with my game files - I’d try to do this myself.
I wish I could do that for you, but Mendoza currently rejects my Mods, sorry.
I don’t know if you thought of this or not, but what about putting Don Yates in Bangkok? Or would that not work either?
That would work, so I have no desire to mod 2016 Maps as of now, since it’s the Files are partly an absolute mess, sorry.