Since we’ve got about a week to go - how about some Halloween themed shots?
There was one I requested a couple(?) months ago, and I don’t know if they were able to figure out how to get my request to work (“Don gets a visit from an old friend”) since I thought the infected face aspect could be applied, but they said they couldn’t figure that out. Maybe it wouldn’t need the “infected” look/aspect.
I know I sound like a broken record by now, though I’m back at it again. I will go through all H2 Maps (minus Hawkes Bay) now first, due to most H3 Maps not working. The Gardenshow Mod is mostly done, but I’m not too motivated at that right now, since all I have left are a bunch of Formal Female NPCs with way too few Faces to use. I may use one or two Garden Show Models for WC though.
Also @Kevin_Rudd I don’t know anything about Sound Modding though would be possible to give the Construction Worker an Asian Accent? The Model is unique.
Since I talked about Reused Models earlier. Brought back Meixihu from Miami Refaced. (The Mod hasen’t been releleased though I doubt anyone would notice, though I’m honest.)
Interestingly enough, the Head of Andrea Pantano, which IO really only used for her does not have a Haircap by default. Generic Female NPC Head head_caucasian_30s_01 does though lol.
I agree. I still gave her the Black Haircap since I meant for her to look a bit like my Character of Andrêa Penca, not lastly since Penca’s latest Pixelart Head was inspired by Pantano.