Surgical Procedure, Super Fan, Sports club

Have any of you, played the new challenges?

Also did anyone encounter what looks like a bug for the surgical challenge but works? I’ll explain.

Surgical Procedure

First you have to complete the mission, so take out both targets and virus anyway you want. Once you ready to find an exit.

Head to where the Plague Doctor is & grab amputation knife

Then go to any guard and use a stabbing with any melee. 3 guards total. Now for me after killing each one there isn’t any notification which should pop up in the right hand side as you get closer to challenge completion.

So I exit and challenge is granted.

Sports club, you will need to equip an exploding baseball during your pre load out.

Use the baseball on Caruso
Use the exploding golf ball on Francesca

As you do this a notification will pop up after you do the first. Then challenge completion after 2nd

Quite the opposite from the plague doctor where no notification pops up in between.

Super Fan

I liked this. Using the insecticide from where the green Plummer is and after fixing the lights where Super Fan populates from was great. Easy SA.

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