There needs to some sort of benefit involved based on the amount of Merces you are losing due to reset imo. Otherwise until you get to the final Prestige level, you may as well just ignore all objectives, just shoot the place up, gather all the items within the locations that can be stored on the wall and use the speedrunning strat of exiting to the menus in non-alerted areas to grind through campaigns quickly and get the rest of the weapons from the crate.
Just going “oh you have 1/2/3+ million Merces? Well now you don’t” and not having some sort of benefit for having played “well” through that Prestige level within IO’s “rules” of how they want people to play Freelancer seems boring/lame.
The idea of going through the collect-athon five times over doesn’t sound at all fun.
I’m okay without trying to earn some XP and resetting all of my hard-worked weapons and shit, I can get to level 97 and finish to level 100 by my own accomplishments, no need to do all of that, excited to unlock the Explosive Pen and The Black Bruiser Suit as long as I don’t fail Hardcore Mode a 3rd time and when IO fixes the bugs of completed Timed Prestige Objectives failing the campaign for no reason
To make a comparison to Payday 2, which has a respec system; in that game, you don’t lose your weapons, money, continental coins, or even XP, instead you lose the money not in your offshore account, and any upgrades you’ve applied in your skill tree.
For the longest time, this system was seen as antiquated and got worse with time, as better systems were made to guage progress and rewards, and it became tedious doing this grind all the time. The game got an infamy pool system about a year ago now, which is basically a battle pass levelling system, which avoids all this “reset” nonsense and makes it so players can just get on with heisting.
Basically, Respec systems are not well liked all that much these days. Quelle surprise people are attached to their progress in a game.
The prestiging in Freelancer also has other problems, in that deliberately buying weapons to put on your wall turns the game into a treasure hunting simulator, buying things simply to level up, and it takes quite a while to do so due to how many weapons there are and how many Merces you need to buy them all. It just feels like a really odd feature to add at this time, and it feels like it was meant to act as a money sink over anything else.
Right now, Hardcore Mode and the Merces Economy should be what IOI should be focusing on, In my opinion. The former is too punishing and restrictive, and the latter is out of whack and contributes to the modes’ other issues.
The issue I see about adding mastery is how do you count the already earned xp ?
Do we reset it to 100lvl+0, and start again. And can the game even do that.
Do we do a “starting now”, and again can the game do that.
Or do we take into account all the xp people already have. Because I’m certain that a bunch of people are way out of the requirement for the mastery 100. So then what for them ? They install the patch and immediately unlock everything ?
Hmmmm… Prestige mode… It sounds like a good addition for a lot of people, maybe not for me. It was very much fun getting all the weapons for the walls, but that does not necessarily translate that it will be fun a second time, or third, etc. I think I like my set up the way I have it now.
I want to play Hitman immersive, so I’m happy now at LV 77 to just enjoy my fully stocked and mostly unlocked safe house, go on missions with my baller, lockpick, fiberwire, and maybe a sniper rifle, and maybe a pale duck for those pesky civilian targets who hang out in a crowd. For me it’s the most fun, not grinding anymore. I don’t want grinding for merces and xp to be my motivation for turning on the game each time.
BTW, was there any mention of a fix for not being able to pick up the fuel cell in the garage? That’s a huge annoyance of mine.
I wonder what happens if you Alt-F4 the game when its slowly removing your guns after activating the laptop…
Usually I wouldn’t think IO would ever leave such an obvious hole there, but Freelancer is full of them that I can’t help but think its a real possibility you’ll be able to kill the game while guns are slowly being removed and when you come back, it’ll just think the process completed and you still have guns.
We’ll find out soon enough to see how it’ll work and if there is potential for abuse.
Also another potential way to hack the system: they haven’t said anything about whether activating prestige will abort the current campaign. If it doesn’t, activate it when you’re up to a showdown and then you only have one mission to do before the reward crate opens up and then, if you’re lucky, you get a silenced weapon pretty quickly. Or you can just grab one from an assassin while in the Showdown.
Been thinking, in terms of further updates to the game, I’m really hoping three things happen in one of the patches this year:
We get further weapons added to 47’s weapon inventory. Clearly from the below photo, there’s plenty of space for further additions to be placed. Would make a cosy little place for those pre-order Trinity weapons!
I am sorry to say that this is a topic that is not of interest to people outside of Japan.
I am Japanese and HITMAN3 was not released on the release date in Japan, so I bought the PS4 North American version on the release date because I wanted to play Elusive Target.
(The Japanese version was released 7 months later, but users who waited that long were unable to play some Elusive targets.)
After all, I bought the XBOX version, the Steam version, and the PS4 Japanese release version , but only the PS4 North American version has no Japanese subtitles option, even though the other consoles have Japanese subtitles implemented.
Why is that?
Is the same thing done in other countries?
Will there be a day in the future when Japanese subtitles will be implemented for the North American PS4 version?
Or will it never be implemented forever?
Speaking of which, there are a few languages that were in past works but are missing from this work.
I understand that it is difficult to translate this work because of the large amount of text, but I hope that you will eventually follow up on those languages.
I really want it, so even if the language translations were sold as DLC, I probably would have bought it.