Seven Deadly Sins Act 7: Wrath

I mustn’t be too skilled in the art of senseless murder, since I can’t get past level 2. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Seriously, I keep dying at the end of the third wave. Every time I open crates, I always get a million fuse cells that I barely use since the guards don’t run through puddles most of the time. But hey, it’s still a cool escalation, I think IO has caught word of “people from earlier maps in the trilogy coming back” since Envy and Wrath have been so nostalgic.

Also, I’m about to get wrathful since the ET this time around for Legacy is the Fugitive!


same. i just gave up at that point bc i realized there was no special cutscene or anything at the end, not even a dialogue to explain the story


On the surface, I should have hated this escalation as it’s everything about Hitman that I don’t like, but I enjoyed it. I actually got faked after the first level and figured that the 3 waves were the whole thing. When the level ended and the score came up I was ready to go play something else but then Level 2 showed up and I was glad for that.

I don’t normally like it when Hitman tries to be a combat shooter game. 47 is too fragile for that type of game and there’s nothing you can do about that (no armor, no health buffs, etc.). In normal game play I would never use anything like a shotgun or SMG (and have publicly said how useless items like those are in this game).

I loved the empty night-time Dartmoor. I loved the semi-packed up and boarded up nature of the mansion. I enjoyed the feeling of the 47 being closed in on (it must have been similar to how Grey ended - except 47 wins in the end). I thought that the idea of the secret rooms/passages only opening after a wave was good but there was very little time between waves to really “reset” properly (unless you only knocked out one of the targets and saved him until you were ready).

A few things they could have improved on though:

  1. randomize the wave locations. The fact that wave 1 always started in the cemetery and main gate made it predictable.
  2. as other’s have said, less water/electricity or better placement of those. It was easy enough to get people to walk through those with radios, monkeys, coins, etc., but they were always out of the way.
  3. I found that, for me at least, running out of ammunition was a real problem. I never seemed to have enough lock picks until the end and by then I didn’t have time to go running around unlocking crates to get new guns.

I don’t think this was my favorite of the Sins, but I found it very enjoyable to play.


Mixed feelings on this one; on the one hand, I enjoy playing it but on the other, I don’t think they give you enough to actually go crazy on them. Before everybody jumps in with “there’s like a thousand accidents,” and “there’s melee weapons up the wazoo,” I agree but there’s so few ways to acquire sustained ranged firepower.

Oddly enough, getting into shootouts with waves of angry guards is how I dabble in playing sometimes but you need to be able to return fire consistently and you need to have places to be able to play defense, neither of which are readily available in (this version of) Dartmoor. More importantly, starting 47 with nothing (and then offering him limited opportunities to basically only play stealth/accident) doesn’t seem to be fitting with the theme of “Wrath”.

It paints the picture of a caged/cornered animal that’s angrily lashing out but it doesn’t really allow that animal to go on the attack. Everything I do in the escalation is a reaction, it would be nice to be able to actually let loose from the beginning with an array of weapons.

It’s also the most rinse, repeat, Hitman 2016-esque of any escalation we’ve gotten in a long time.

All that said, though, I do like a lot of it and it does offer plenty of ways to fight them. I love the atmosphere and Dartmoor continues to impress in its versatility depending on the time of day and/or the number of occupants. The unlocks are cool and it is a fun, semi-challenging little adventure.

I just wish it actually unleashed 47 more and earlier.


In my first play through I was running around panicking and setting up as many distractions as I could, ala Home Alone. I thought the CB radio was a distraction and I turned it on, not knowing it immediately starts the wave!

Not intentional, but great swerve! I was my own undoing!


For those struggling or are pissed off being undergunned.

I knew there was a way to do this and found it just before bed.



I thought I noticed the guns hanging around for a few seconds before disappearing (didn’t know you could pick them up though). I might play around with that in future runs but I’d still prefer easier access from the start (with compensation being something like more enemies and/or smaller guns to start and then build on) rather than relying on a glitch/exploit.


Yup, this is just a fix for an underwhelming finale to a lackluster season.

I mean it’s Wrath and the final sin… give me some knight armor and a belt fed. Hurling screwdrivers and knives is dumb as shit. The missed opportunities…


Now, you’ve got me dreaming about what a medieval knight rampaging through an English manor could’ve been like…


I’m more surprised that hasn’t been an episode of Doctor Who yet…

Enjoyed this escalation but was thinking for a bit environmental flair they should of replaced the big Carlisle Hunting picture in the office with one of 47 and each escalation level adds another dead guard (or 2) to the picture.


I think there have been similarly plotted episodes. … Maybe? I don’t know; there are quite a few of them. Maybe they’ll do one one day. :man_shrugging:

Anyway, I kind of like the sound of that changing portrait idea but there is a lot of environmental flair already


I think there was a werewolf in a old 1500s manor?

True but throughout the Sins I did kind of wish there were some small background changes to go with the continuing difficulty increases. Like Greed having the unreachable lower floors of the tower building up gold, Sloth by Escalation 3 it just clothes on the floor and everyone in underwear, Gluttony all the stands outside are empty but by level 3 they are overflowing.

Just to add a bit of background flair and perhaps view on Agent 47’s psyche


Tooth and Claw.
The Doctor Who episode that is also the in-universe origin of Torchwood.

We’ve had a professional screwdriver, when can we expect a sonic one IOI ? (with ducky skin)


@CNC you inspired me

  • can be used to sabotage
  • cannot be used in melee or as a lethal throw
  • breaks and electrify puddles when thrown like the car battery
  • is also a lockpick

“Does not work on wood” got me but it’s very important to remember.

That would be cool (if not somewhat op) if it could open all other locked doors though.


That looks really good. Now I want a Futuristic World of Assassination now :smiley:

Environmental Tool, Car battery and EMP all in one.
Also just point and disables cameras for a few seconds


A hitman game with out of nowhere and slightly futuristic gadgets would be great indeed.

Maybe with a british accent and a tuxedo, THAT would be a great project…

(more seriously I’m curious how a time loop/time travel and science fictions mechanics could work in glacier)


Ah slightly futuristic like a laser watch, or a sonic ring (Which will only work in the most specific of places the plot demands for) :stuck_out_tongue:

With time loops in Glacier would be interesting, maybe more as a detective game though certain time zones on getting code combinations, a persons murder etc…

That could make a good co-op puzzle game one player in the past and one modern. Need to communicate with each other and find clues to figure a murder suspect of thief.

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It just hit me that IO could release a bunch of different reskins (as they do) but instead of “MK II” or “MK 3” or similar, it would be MK “insert doctor number here”.

(Actually, that might be somewhat useful (and definitely op) because you could then bring multiple sonics, sacrifice some for electrocution accidents and still have one for lock picking and/or sabotaging)

Based on several people’s comments I imagine someone might bring out a mod to allow loadout. It can be given the same entitlements as 7DS Wrath so only owners can play it

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