September 2023 Roadmap Thread

We’re definitely getting a few more surprises I’m sure! :grin: IOI have already teased us and judging by the roadmap, there’s definitely more surprises up IOI’s sleeve this month! :wink:

Cool roadmap so far and we’ve got plenty to keep us busy!


The tourist suit looks great. Subject 47 is not something I see myself wearing, but at least the challenge reminded me of how much I liked the atmosphere of Patient Zero mission, and made me finally discover a SASO route with 0 NPC infections. (Why is PZ music not present in Deluxe Edition soundtrack IO?)

Surgeons are going to be interesting, since I don’t recall ever SOing them before.

I’m assuming we’re back to a monthly roadmap in some way because of the Drop dropping next month.


I appreciate that we’re getting Subject 47 as an official unlock, but I would LOVE to have a version without the ekg monitors. It’s perfect for lounging around the safehouse waiting for Diana to call. :wink:
And the tourist suit is likely going to be my new go-to for all missions. It’s so dang cool.


I do wish it had a pair of matching gloves though, either in green or dirty white.

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Was doing the Patient 47 challenge and instantly noticed something was different about the mission and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it for about five minutes. Eventually I realised it was because 47 was in a different suit - I’d completely forgotten that the May patch had removed the mandatory Recon Gear suit. It’s been a loooong time since I last played the Patient Zero mission.



So… is the VIP Patient suit the default one for this mission, now? Despite the fact 47 isn’t infiltrated when the mission begins?

I played with this after I realised - its just whatever suit you last used in Hokkaido. The game doesn’t treat it like its a seperate location/loadout. So if you change the suit in PZ to the Tactical Turtleneck (which looks the same as the Recon Gear), if you then go play Situs Inversus it will have the Tactical Turtleneck as the suit set there too.

Wish they would change it so that if you wanted to you could have it set so that you could have the Tactical Turtleneck set for PZ, while having a different suit set for standard Hokkaido.


It’s why they pay Travis the big bucks.

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Huh. That’s kinda odd. Kinda wished there was a specific default suit for each mission.

Thanks for testing it all out!

Well, this is my favorite suit now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Works really well with locations like Marrakesh, Ambrose, and Santa Fortuna.


Didn’t expect a September roadmap. Because some ET were planned for September. So I was sure that the next raodmap will be scheduled on October for a potential “Fall roadmap”. Glad to see I was wrong.

If I’m not fan of the Subject 47 suit, I appreciate the Tourist suit. It fits a lot with some maps like Marrakesh

I know that I already said that in leaks when we saw the challenge in the patch data.
But I will say again : I immensely appreciate how the challenge embrace the fact that Hitman is now the World of Assassination, and so is ready to involve locations from two different games interact without having to worry about player access.
I hope for more.

The challenge also made me replay the meeting story mission for the first time in two years. As much as I like Freelancer, I realised how much I missed the narrative flair of the story mode (and Grey).

Outfit is nice too. Favourite one so far. I was eagerly waiting for it for months :grinning:
(I will say though : why in themed, and not casual ?)


In my case, the challenge made me start by thinking I would be replaying the meeting story mission, but end by doing a very cathartic kill everyone run.

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Yeah I did that one as well! :grin: love it when the shutter doors come crashing down, Grey does his speech on the TV and 47 is just stood behind them!

It’s all over after that!

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I just did the classic isolations from the security start and got the suit in 1:50, first try :skull:

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Yeah, that kinda threw me for a loop; this looks much more like casual wear than anything in the themed section.


If anything, I´d say it should be in the tactical category (same goes for the Polar Survival Suit), though I find themed more appropriate than casual.


Based on the appearance, Tactical might fit… But considering the name…

(And by the same logic, yes, the Polar Survival Suit sounds like something that should be in Tactical.)


The name is the most puzzling thing about it. There’s nothing touristy about that attire.


Ok so I just realized that this is the name of the challenge and not that of an actual unlock called the Dagger dagger.