Wow, I really love how this AI slop has reskinned the game - removing any sense of place and cohesive style from the locations - instead replacing everything with stiched-together visuals which appear to have been stolen from film and TV between 1960 and 1980.
No man, get that shit outta here
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i wish i could see how bad it looks tbh, seems like i was tagged
Believe me, you’re lucky you missed it. Utter garbage. Even for AI. Some of these sorts of things do look quite smooth, this did not. The words “photorealism” and “amazing” have lost all value apparently.
was it even hitman or was it just randomly botted footage of a different game?
I think it was genuine hitman gameplay but it’s “overlayed” so much you wouldn’t really know. Seen lots of this out there for GTA and Cyberpunk lately, and other popular games, if you youtube search “runway overlay” you’ll get the gist.