I’m looking for a single player third or first person shooter game in a modern-ish setting that’s not online mulitplayer. Because though I like the World of Assassination trilogy, I’m a bit tired of the lack of updates and additions to firearms in the game that’s not a sniper rifle or a pistol.
I already have an idea of World War II themed games that I’d like to try one day, but I’m looking for something in a more modern setting to complement the Hitman games I have.
Maybe the Sniper Elite games, or Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts for a more modern (present day) version. That is, if you don’t mind some very violent, gory/visceral kills. It’s currently 75% off until July 7th.
I just started Sniper Elite 4 yesterday and it is effectively Hitman with more action and less social stealth.
Big open maps
Specific targets to get / kill
freedom of approach
Stealth is helpful but not neccessary
You will replay the levels over and over, find new ways, become better and better. Less stealth like disguises or social stealth, but way better shooting and an excellent sniper system (choose freely from “it hits where the crosshair is” to “I have to pay attention to wind, gravity etc” however you like it).
There are even map challenges like “one kill every 2 minutes”, “kill all targets with a specific trap” or “kill less than 10 enemies” etc
I did not compare those games at first, but after 3 hours I’m really surprised how Hitman-y this game is!
I have to second this. I couldn’t put SE4 down. While it’s not too similar to Hitman, it definitely can scratch the itch at times. It’s got a variety of weapons, great maps, decent AI and amazing DLC (which involves shooting Hitler’s testicle: what more could you want?). It has a campaign in addition to multiplayer and survival (my favourite) and an abundance of difficulty settings (which improve enemy AI and damage, as well as remove any aim assist that helps you calculate drop and remove the minimap at higher levels). I’ve put hundreds of hours into it, beaten the hardest challenges the game has to offer and was never disappointed.
I haven’t played SE5, but many of my mates have said that it has worse level design, and that SE4 is generally the best pick out of the Sniper Elite games, so it’s probably the one to pick up.
I’m looking more for some modern/modern-ish FPS or third person shooter games, to be more specific. I have plenty of World War II themed stuff that I haven’t bought yet. But I’m looking for recommendations for more modern-era stuff, preferably games with a single play mode that’s not online.
Watch Dogs 2 is great, I replayed it recently and had a ton of fun. Solid single player, with some pretty nice multiplayer on the side (if you want it).
Sorry for bumping this, you may have already found what you were looking for, but some suggestions on my part (some of which have already been mentioned; also excluding the obvious ones like modern-era CoD and Battlefield games):
Max Payne series (all three are great, third one is probably best in terms of gunplay and weapons variety)
the newer Wolfenstein games - The New Order, The Old Blood, The New Colossus (sure, theme is somewhat (post-)WWII-ish, but gunplay is great)
the ARMA/Operation Flashpoint series (if you want something more on the tactical mil-sim side)
Spec Ops: The Line (gunplay is run of the mill, and weapon selection is fairly low, but it comes with a unique setting and great story/themes)
Far Cry 2 (modern-ish setting, nice weapons variety)
FEAR trilogy (particularly the first game - sure, lots of focus on the horror aspect there which takes you out of the action, but when you actually get into the shootouts, it´s phenomenal)
the STALKER series (large selection of weaponry and particularly good if you fancy having some non-Western guns to play with; as long as you don´t mind the post-apocalyptic/sci-fi aspects of it)
the METRO series (an alternative or addition to the STALKER series, but the first two games are short on weapons variety; dunno how Exodus fares in this regard, since I haven´t played it yet)
SWAT 4 (though you don´t actually do that much shooting; still a fantastic game)
Also, I feel like Ground Branch might be up your alley, but it´s still in early access and I haven´t played it myself to give an educated opinion about it.