Hello everyone. I’m a player from PS4 and yesterday I bought Hitman 3 Standard Edition. I have a problem, which is that I can’t play any of the locations on Hitman 1 & 2 games, and I have both installed. When I go to the store it appears as bought (referred to the access pass and other expansions of Hitman 1 & 2) but in the game I can’t play them because says that I don’t have them. I would like to know what happens because I carried over the progress from Hitman 2 to Hitman 3 and I don’t see the difference (I only see my lvl and points from the Hitman 2 game profile). Also, the GOTY edition is not available neither, when they say that if you have Hitman 1 you be able to download the legacy pack + the GOTY, but in my case it appears on the ps store as not bought (it shows me the price). So that’s my 2 problems, hope anyone could help me. Thanks.
You need to “purchase” two items:
HITMAN 2 GOLD EDITION ACCESS PASS (or alternatively if you don’t own gold, HITMAN 2 STANDARD EDITION ACCESS PASS and maybe at a later time HITMAN 2 EXPANSION ACCESS PASS)
If you do this on a PS4 Profile that bought and owns HITMAN 1 and 2, they should appear for FREE.
Also be careful to note the region for your owned titles (US, EU, JP, Asia). The safe bet is to own everything in the same region and use the Profile that is also registered in that region.
I bought both, because they appear as owned in the shop, but later in the game aren’t available. When I go ro the shop section in Hitman 3 and I click in any of the packs it shows me a message which says ‘the content is no longer in the shop or isn’ t available yet’. I’m in Europe regiom 'cause I’m from Spain.
Try and restore liscenes. Go to Settings. User and Accounts → Other → Restore Liscenes.
I’ve already tried it. It matters if the game is not originally bought from my account? I mean, I purchased it as a digital game from another account and now I downloaded to mine as I setted is as ‘my principal PS4 account’. I don’t know if u follow me.
Ah, very possibly. You might have to actually own the game. I’m honestly not sure how that works.