Progress Carryover

I had to cancel my pre-order cause today at f****ng gamestop them had no deluxe with passport just standard, I’m super pissed of.

Xbox is just offline now, whereas it was intermittently connecting before.

Servers are in bits, and it seems a lot of us got caught up in the crash.

I had a bunch of achievements pop, and the mastery for H2 show up before it went down; I think you’re right though, when it’s back online properly everyone in this wave of sign-ups will have something (hopefully everything :crossed_fingers:) on their accounts.

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I have all the mastery and but jus few items

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This would all have been so much less of a mess if it didn’t delete your Hitman 3 progress. Why the hell does it do that? Nobody would be bothered about waiting if we could still play Hitman 3 normally.


So you get the error and can’t do the transfer again now what? As Raphael Rowe says many times in toughest prisons: Fuck me.

I’ve pressed all the steps now it’s came up with something saying that no import tasks found, it may take 5 mins to appear should I just leave it on that screen, it’s now went blank does anyone know what I can do

I’ve imported everything and I don’t have any of my ET suits? WTF!

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Has anyone else noticed that a few H1 and H2 mission story challenges didn’t carryover as completed? Some in, say Paris, did and some didn’t. :confused:

I’m in the same situation

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Did any of your screens go blank after the crossover was pending

Btw does anyone know if Another Life’s clues become optional if Hawke’s Bay has a car exit now?

My screen went blank, 20 minutes after my carry over status showed an error. I checked the game after 10 minutes of nothing and half of my items are missing. Let’s hope IOI can fix this stuff somehow.

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I am able to go all the way through to confirming the carryover but when the page with the requests shows up nothing’s there…it’s just blank. Went through this twice now and nothing.

This is what mines doing now :frowning:

Guess we can just play on a different account for now to see whats what.

same thing here…

I managed to complete the carryover process but now I don’t have access to the trinity pack and deluxe pack items I own in Hitman 3 and my PS4 clearly has those DLCs marked as “Installed”…but the items are just not there for use…at all. And none of the other Hitman GOTY edition stuff either…a lot of stuff is just missing.

Now it’s done but trinity pack disappeared is it normal? Anyone else? Please help

I’m having the same problem.

Ugh, Sieger still doesn’t have unpacking animation. And the animation is unchanged for all others. That sucks, and they didn’t fix the sawn off to be pickable as a pocket weapon.

The game itself? Brilliant.