Progress Carryover

For those who haven’t seen it

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What a shit show. And no doubt they will blame covid and limited staff like every other company do these days. Why fix something that isn’t broken anyway? The way hitman 2 transferred progress from the first game worked perfectly fine minus a bit of confusion with dlc packs.


Here’s the thing though…
It didn’t.


I had it day 1 release xbox and it was bang on.

hitman 2 didnt have progress transfer, you had to do everything again


You could carry over your locations, yes, but you couln’t carry over your progress.

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I was finally able to process. … only took 100+ refreshes

So you’re the spammer that’s drowned out my own spamming!~ How evil.

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Sorry buddy. IOI gave me the idea with their tweet. If it makes it any better, I hope you get in next :wink:

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I can now get to export, but some of my location mastery levels are 0 but I should have max, is this normal?

I hope it completes!

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So, now it’s blank it safe to check if it worked?


I was in the same spot. Now it’s going online and then disconnecting/reconnecting, but mastery level is showing 737 in the corner, so everything should be available once the connection is stable.

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Mmm. Now I’m totally disconnected and in Offline. Trying to reconnect and will keep trying.

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Same here lol

20 Chars

Now I’m worried because just connected for an instant and now it shows my level on the corner at 6, wich is what I got from breifly playing Berlin.

Now im scared too lol.

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Ok. I refreshed the IO page and I no longer have an IO account eligible for transfer, so I’m gonna assume mine already got the one shot it had and it’s done. Now it’s just a matter of the data arriving, I guess.

No please

Many got that. It seems something broke. I fully expect many people having items/unlocks missing at the end