Please bring back featured contracts

I dont think players care much for the curated contracts, they are not even discussed on the forum. It was way cooler when the WHOLE community could participate and submit a contract to be featured. Will this ever happen again?


I do miss the submission topics. They made the community lively. They involved everyone including the Community Manager.

Making contracts, testing them, replicating them on other platforms, working with others, stealing ideas taking inspirations and giving homages, seeing some evolve…

And the thematics were always fun to see worked on. Sometimes nothing is more creatively stimulating and liberating than just the right amount of first mandatory directions.

I like the curated contracts made by communities. Recently SOHM, or frequently F7SC. Especially since they are themselves submission competitions.

Curated Contracts are still good, the curators are chosen for great reasons. And they allow a certain kind of highlights featured couldn’t do.

But without their featured counterpart, something is just missing. And it was a lovely thing.


Me adding a kill condition where you need to use a muffin.